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Enderschema opens a new store in Kappabashi . What is the new option "effect_lab" .

Hender SchemeSukima Ebisu will be followed by Sukima Kappabashi on June 8 (Fri.).

The new store is located not far from the atelier of . Unlike "Sukima Ebisu," which offers a full lineup of seasonal items, the new store will feature a freer selection of products, mainly made of noumé leather and not limited to collections. There will also be limited items available only at "Sukima Kappabashi.

The opening of the shop was inspired by an engraving machine that was acquired from a craftsman in Asakusa, Tokyo. At Sukima Kappabashi, customers can use the "effect_lab" option, which allows them to engrave any text they like on items from "Enderschema" using the engraving machine. The purpose of this service is to add meaning and context to each person's item, so that it can be transformed into a finished product that is unique to that person.

Also, to commemorate the opening, a limited number of "caterpillar" sandals and "pig shoulder bag" specially made in noumé leather are on sale.

caterpillar ¥32,000+TAX

left: pig shoulder bag small ¥10,000+TAX
right: pig shoulder bag big ¥13,000+TAX
color:natural smooth

This is a new initiative that can only come from being so close to the manufacturing base of "Enderschema," which continues to work with Asakusa craftspeople. This new store is worth the trouble of visiting.

Text_Rei Kawahara

Sukima Kappabashi
Address: Takahashi Bldg. 1F, 4-2-10 Motoasakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Open: Friday, June 8
Hours: 12:00-19:00
Closed: Monday (open if Monday is a national holiday)
Phone: 03-6231-7579

effect_lab" is Hender Scheme's personalization option that adds personal value to products. Using an imprinting machine that was acquired from a craftsman in Asakusa, Hender Scheme offers a personalized imprinting service. You can choose from ( letters, ) alphanumeric and symbols up to 15 characters, ( stamping, ) gold leaf and ) silver leaf, ( large and ) small sizes. Same-day delivery and shipping are also available.

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