Translated By DeepL

Toy Machine, directed by Ed Templeton, now has an official online store in Japan.

A brand from California, U.S.A., organized by Ed Templeton, an artist, photographer, skater, and many other faces.TOY MACHINEThe brand's official online site in Japan will open on June 15 (Fri.). The brand's official online site in Japan will open on June 15 (Fri.).





The collection includes open-collared shirts, T-shirts, and shorts perfect for the summer season, as well as caps, bottles, and other accessories. The online store will also be releasing limited items, so stay tuned.

To celebrate the opening of the online store, a limited number of key chains molded with the brand's characters will be given away to those who register as members and purchase products.

Toy Machine's items are filled with pop graphics and illustrations that will sublimate your style this summer. Why not take advantage of this online store and enjoy your shopping experience?

Text_Ryotaro Miyazaki


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