Translated By DeepL

【FOCUS IT.] The identity of the exquisite tacos served at a location of only 2 tsubo.

The most popular tacos with pork chops and tacanas

In December 2017, a taco shop opened in Hamonica Yokocho in Kichijoji, Tokyo, calledTACOS SHOPThe space is only 2 tsubo (3.5 square meters). Although it is a small space of only 2 tsubo (3.5 square meters), it has become a hot topic mainly on social networking services and is now crowded with customers every day. We paid a visit to this popular spot to find out the secret of its popularity.

The building in the middle is the taco store. The aroma of grilling tortillas wafts in the air around it.

Left: Mr. Kondo, the owner, grilling tortillas; Right: Mr. Hoshi, the cook, dashing out on his bicycle.

Terutaro Kondo, the owner, and Minoru Hoshi, the cook, are currently running a pizza shop in Mitaka, Tokyo. It all started with Hoshi's light-hearted "Let's open a taco shop! The idea started with Hoshi's light-hearted, "Let's start a taco shop. Mr. Kondo readily agreed. They immediately flew to Mexico and ate all the authentic tacos they could find.

Mr. Hoshi devises a variety of creative menu items.

Unlike American tacos, Mexican tacos have none of the junkiness. It's more like power food, or more like Japanese onigiri. For example, onigiri made with takana (a type of leaf mustard) is delicious. I thought it would be interesting to incorporate that kind of feeling into tacos," says Hoshi.

Menu list rewritten by Mr. Kondo every day

The menu changes daily, and sometimes there are as many as 20 different items on the menu. On the day I visited, the menu was full of experimental combinations that did not seem like tacos. The most popular is the "pork belly and tacana," but we got tired of it. But when we get tired of it, it disappears from the menu (laughs). (Laughs)" It's nice to see a restaurant that puts itself first and foremost in its customers' minds, even when it cuts back on the most popular dishes.

Mr. Kondo deftly kneads the dough.

Tortillas baked just before serving

And the best part is the freshly made and baked tortillas. Taco lovers will love the fact that they can enjoy such fresh tortillas, while most restaurants offer frozen or pre-made tortillas.

Chicken's crest and esophagus


A wide variety of toppings. I like to squeeze a lot of lime on it.

When it came time to try the food, I decided to have three kinds of dishes: "Pork Motsu and Takana," "Chicken Tosaca and Esophagus," and "Frijoles (Mexican Black Beans). All the dishes were seasoned to suit the Japanese palate and could be described as "Japanese Mexican. In addition to the delicious ingredients, the freshly baked dough also enhances the taste of the ingredients. The thinness of the tortilla is just right.

Lime Sour with a refreshing lime flavor and acidity

Key lime used in taco store

Drinks include Mexican craft beers, tequila, and bio wines, but the lime sour is a must order. While many places in Japan use a hybrid of lemon and lime, Taco Shop uses Mexican limes, also known as key limes. This makes them more mildly acidic than regular limes, and their aroma is very mellow. It is the perfect marriage with tacos.

The two have a glimpse of culture in their backgrounds. Both are bicycle enthusiasts

This restaurant is still in its unfinished state. There is a sense of danger. So I want people to enjoy the process of its growth. When we asked him about the restaurant name, which is too straightforward, he replied, "I thought about it a lot, but in the end I settled on this name. I didn't want to give it too much meaning. I didn't want it to mean too much, so just call it 'that taco shop over there.

Perhaps the secret to their popularity is that both men's creativity and yuletide are well reflected in the restaurant's design. I sense it everywhere, from their sense of presentation and seasoning to the interior and exterior of the restaurant.

Even if you have never had the pleasure of eating tacos before, please give it a try. You will surely be captivated by tacos, or rather, by "taco stores.

Text_Keisuke Kimura

Address: 1-1-5 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo
Hours: Weekdays 17:00-26:00, Sat. and Sun. 14:00-26:00
Vacations: Tuesdays and Wednesdays (fluid, please check the instagram below)

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