Translated By DeepL

A record of the time when harem could be called harem. Photo book and T-shirts by Katsu Naito are now on sale.

[Post O' Alls.Manager of theJapanese Judas tree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum)Do you know Mr. In 1983 , when he was 18 years old, he came to the U.S. and settled in New York City. Five years later, he moved from the Upper West Side to Harlem and started shooting with a camera, which had always been his hobby.

Drugs, guns, machine guns, murder ... ... it took more than two years for the residents to accept him after five and a half years of living in Harlem. . almost exclusively black, in a scene that resembled something out of a movie.

Introduced here is Naito's photo book "ONCE IN HARLEM" (published by TBW Books), published this year, and T-shirts featuring his photographs.

ONCE IN HARLEM" features works taken in the early to mid-1990s . This may be the last time that Harlem could be called Harlem, now that it has lost even a shadow of its former self. The collection is mainly portraits of black teenagers and other black people. The photographs have a strength that is somewhat similar to the works of Irving Penn and August Sander, and they emit a unique luminosity.

The T-shirts are also from Naito's brand, "filPhies," and are printed with three selected works from his photo collection. In addition to a portrait of a girl with a boom box , there are two landscapes. Each has a white and black body, with the address of the location where the photo was taken and a zip code printed on the back .

A number of valuable photos that give you a sense of Harlem at that time. If you are interested in American culture, please pick up a copy.

ONCE IN HARLEM, TBW Books, 100 pages, hardcover, ¥5,500+tax

"Boombox Girl in Morningside Park, Harlem, NY 10026" Size: S-XL ¥7,800+TAX

"122nd Street near Lenox Avenue. Harlem, NY 10027" Size: S-XL ¥7,800+TAX

"118th Street between 5th Avenue and Lenox Avenue, Harlem, NY 10026" Size: S-XL ¥7,800+TAX

Text_Ryo Muramatsu

good tune
Phone: 03-3406-6606

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