Translated By DeepL

Up to 90% off! The Deluxe Family Sale will be held .

A fashion brand that leads the Tokyo street scene.DELUXEThe family sale will be held at the flagship store, "Bridge Tokyo. will be held on Saturday, July 21 and Sunday, July 22 at the

In addition to the previously released "deluxe" items, the sale will also feature brands that Bridge Tokyo has selected for the store. The highlight of the sale is the discount rate of up to 90%!

This sale is open to everyone, so please visit the store. You are sure to find a bargain.

Text_Ryotaro Miyazaki

Period: July 21 (Sat.) - 22 (Sun.) 12:00 - 19:00
Venue: Bridge Tokyo
Address: 5-18-13 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5766-0015

*Credit cards are accepted on both days.
Returns and exchanges are not accepted on sale items.

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