Translated By DeepL

A photo exhibition of Chou Ongou, a member of Diaspora Skateboads, who is expanding the skate scene in Tokyo.

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Not only in the skate scene, but also in the Tokyo area, where the presence is increasing day by day.Diaspora skateboards. One of its members, photographer Cho Ongo, will hold his first solo exhibition.

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."Guru's Cut & StandChou has been expanding his field of activity by regularly exhibiting his works in the "Art Box" (a gallery space set up in front of a store). The theme of this exhibition is "to look back on the influences of various people and cultures I have met," and consists of skate and street snapshots taken in Taiwan, his mother's homeland and the place he calls his roots.

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In celebration of the solo exhibition, T-shirts were produced by , Diaspora Skateboards. The T-shirts were produced by "Diaspora Skate Bose" and organized by Daisuke Shimizu, a member of the rap group "Public Musume . organized by Daisuke Shimizu, a member of the rap group "Public Musume.Riverside Market (riversidemarket)." to sell a sacosh. Both are very well made.

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. The scenery of Taiwan is a little different from the cool texture of Tokyo. Why don't you visit there as if you were going on a short trip? The event starts this Friday. Of course, you can buy both T-shirts and sakosh.

Text_Taiyo Nagashima

Anne Hathaway" Cho Ongo Photo Exhibition
Dates: Nov 18 ( Fri ) - Nov 23 ( Wed ) 13:00-19:00
Venue: at NO.12 GALLERY
Address: 2-29-13 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

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