Translated By DeepL

Tom Misch will make a long-awaited visit to Japan .

Tom Misch (Tom Misch) was highly acclaimed as the best act at last year's Summer Sonic 2018. His sound, which connects jazz, electronica, soul, and hip-hop, his stylish guitar playing, and his sweet and smooth voice attract many listeners. Last year, he made his breakthrough with his debut album "Geography" and made a name for himself in the music scene.

. This time, his long-awaited live tour will be held in Tokyo and Osaka.

He has already been confirmed to perform at the GREENROOM FESTIVAL'19 on May 25 (Sat.) and 26 (Sun.), and this tour will allow the audience to enjoy a more intense view of Tom Misch's world.

Without a doubt, tickets will be a hotly contested event, so check back soon if you are interested.

In advance of the tour, a CD version of the mixtape "Beat Tape 2," distributed by Tom Misch in 2015, will be released on Friday, February 8, so don't miss it either.

Text_Ryotaro Miyazaki

Tom Misch Live Tour
Date: May 27 (Monday) OPEN 18:00- / START 19:00- (Monday)
Venue: Shinkiba Studio Coast
Address: 2-2-10 Shinkiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Fee: ¥6,500 (1 drink not included)
Ticket on sale: Saturday, February 23
No admission for preschool children

Date: May 29 (Wed) OPEN 18:00- / START 19:00-
Venue: Matsushita IMP HALL
Address: 1-3-7 Shiromi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Fee: ¥6,500 (1 drink not included)
Ticket on sale: Saturday, February 23
No admission for preschool children

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