Translated By DeepL

A new brand philosophy is born. G-Star Row's Spring/Summer 2019 collection.

G-Star RAWThe brand has announced the look of its Spring/Summer 2019 collection. The term "STYLE MATHEMATICS" has been introduced as a new brand philosophy from this season. The term "STYLE MATHEMATICS" has been introduced as a new brand philosophy for this season.

Style Mathematics refers to "creating impressive and fresh coordination by crossing contrasting elements, rather than combining safe clothing." Based on the four style pillars of Utility, Sports, Formal Wear, and Denim Craftsmanship, the brand suggests that people should dress outside the box.

A variety of tight items mixed with a unique street sense. Items that tickle a man's fancy, such as technological denim, are still going strong this season.

If you can find your own taste among the above four styles and incorporate it into your own style and coordinate it well, you may find this season's collection, and by extension, the greatest appeal of "G-Star Row".

Text_Rei Kawahara

G-Star International
Phone: 03-6890-5620

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