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Akio Hasegawa x HOUYHNHNM's = AH.H. This new media delves into the "ordinary" in the world.

AH. What is this unfamiliar string of letters? If you are wondering, "What is this unfamiliar string of letters? Let me explain.

."AH.HThe name "HOUYHNHNM" is an acronym for AKIO HASEGAWA and HOUYHNHNM. It is a new media launched by fashion director Akio HASEGAWA and "HOUYHNHNM's" in collaboration.

The theme of the site is "normal.

We will introduce all kinds of "normal" things in the world, such as normal clothes, normal food, normal stores, normal people, and so on.

The word "ordinary" may conjure up images of boredom and mediocrity, but this is only one aspect of the ordinary. It is something that transcends time and has the appeal to reach all kinds of people, and that is what we call normal.

So, we will be shooting fashion visuals with Mr. Hasegawa, having conversations with people we are interested in, and maybe even making original items? We will be doing a variety of things, so please be our guest.

We have also created an installer, so please combine that as well.

Text_Ryo Komuta


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