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Kensuke Murate, Tatsumasa Onuki, and Yuhi Ozaki look into the appeal of URBS and the standards of the new era.

It has been called "Urban Research Buyers Select (URBAN RESEARCH BUYERS SELECT)We have been reporting on the efforts of the "Urban Research Buyers Select" initiative, and starting today, the Urban Research Buyers Select website will feature the store's brand manager, Kensuke Murate, , the store'sWestoveralls (WESTOVERALLS)Designers Tatsumasa Onuki, of SUN/kakke, and Yuhi Ozaki, of SUN/kakke, will be presenting their work.The trilogy is open to the public.. has been

Kensuke Murate, Brand Manager of Urban Research Buyers Select .

Tatsumasa Onuki, designer of "West Overalls.

Yuhi Ozaki, designer of "Sankakke.

It is worth reading the various perspectives expressed in the book, including the relationship between the three, their thoughts on their respective brands, current trends, and future initiatives, not to mention "Urban Research Buyer's Select.

Although they are all in different positions, they all have one thing in common: they are not following the times, but are sticking to their own aesthetics. They also share a simple desire to please the customers who buy their products. This is a glimpse into the reason why they are so well received by the world.

A quick, easy-to-read, and informative story by three of today's most exciting individuals.Click hereBy all means.

Text_Keisuke Kimura


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