Translated By DeepL

Stranger in America. STRANGER" is a collection of photographs by photographer Tetsuo Kashiwada that captures America from an outsider's point of view.

From time to time, like seasonal news, we have heard that this photographer has traveled to the U.S. to snap his shutter. His real-life images of this great country, which he captured sometimes poetically and sometimes powerfully, have always exceeded my imagination.

The photographs by Tetsuo Kashiwada were published in the form of a photo book entitled "Stranger" at the end of May. To coincide with the publication of the book, a "STRANGER" exhibition was held in Ebisu, Tokyo.ALThe photography exhibition "STRANGER" is on view at , through Thursday, June 13.

Both the photographs and the exhibition showcase the people and scenes that Mr. Kashiwada photographed while traveling in the United States.

. below is the official text regarding the photo book.

He began his journey to capture the culture and people of the United States in his photographs, but as his journey progressed and he became more and more aware of the cultural and racial differences, he began to realize the barriers that stood between him and the people of the United States.

When one steps into the community of a city one stops in and comes into contact with a different culture, feels racial differences, and senses the presence of things that those who have no connection to the area cannot see or understand, the fact that one is simply an "outsider" traveling on the road comes into stark relief.

What I realized the moment I looked into the camera at the alien thing I encountered in a strange land was that the alien thing (STRANGER) was not the subject, but myself.
This film depicts a mysterious situation through the eyes and distance of the subject.

And on the other hand, one theme is the loneliness and loneliness of the stranger who tried to get close to the American culture, land, and people without being superficial, but felt a rift because he could not understand them in essence.

Photo book "STRANGER

. It may sound a bit clichéd, but I feel that the photographs capture the sometimes dry, sometimes humid atmosphere of the place.

In this age when anyone can easily release the shutter, there are only a few people who can be called "photographers. I think he is one of the very few people who fit the title of "photographer". Please visit the exhibition hall and open the photo book.

Text_Shinri Kobayashi

Tetsuo Kashiwada Photo Exhibition "STRANGER
Dates: ~June 13, 2019 (Thursday)
Address: 1F, 3-7-17 Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Hours: 12:00 - 19:00 (last day only - 18:00) Open throughout the exhibition period
Phone: 03-5722-9799

Photo book "STRANGER
Specifications: leather binding, bound in full leather, 500 copies
Pages: 96 pages / Full color
Size: W234 x H273 mm
Circulation: 500 copies
Design: Yuma Tobishima (ampersands)
Release: May 31, 2019
List price: 3,800 yen + tax

Photographer Tetsuo Kashiwada
. was born in 1988 in Osaka, Japan. He has gained acclaim for his road trip photography, and in 2017, he held a solo exhibition entitled "MOTEL," photographing motels in the United States and the people around them, and published a collection of the same name. Consistent with his past collections, he has a style that is somehow filled with loneliness and clad in a worldview that resembles a single movie. Currently based in Tokyo, he is active in commercial work centering on portraits and landscapes, while at the same time focusing on creating and presenting his own works.

[Inquiries about the photo book].
ampersands inc.
Phone: 03-6265-6935

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