Translated By DeepL


In addition to the films, staff and cast, film criticism is an essential part of the film culture. Though opinions and reviews of films are proliferating day by day in various media such as radio, books, and the Internet, surprisingly few are live film review talk events.

. a detailed scene from a movie and detailed commentary and critique of that scene. In fact, live events are probably the best match for film criticism.

VACANT will be hosting a series of events that will make you feel the "love" for the film culture. The event is the "HARAJUKU CINEMA CLUB," which welcomes new-age cinephiles ( and film enthusiasts ) as storytellers and knocks on the door to the endlessly fascinating world of cinema.

The first guest for this memorable event is Jun Hirose, who has been critiquing film techniques from the perspective of ethics and politics, and published "Cinema no Daigyo: Jun Hirose Eiga Ronshu" ( Film Art Publishing ) in 2017. Keisuke Keiwada is the author of "Minna no Eiga 100 sen" (100 Films for Everyone) ( Okura Shuppan ), which became a hot topic among young people, and is also a writer for POPEYE magazine and other publications. The two will take turns introducing and explaining films in a back-to-back format under the theme of "Events in Movies.

Their profiles and comments are below.

Jun Hirose ( Hirose, Jun )
Born in Tokyo, 1971 . Film criticism and philosophy. Professor at Ryukoku University, Faculty of Business Administration. His major publications include "Cinema no Daigyo: Hirose Jun Eiga Ronshu" ( Filmartsha ), Le Ciné-capital. D'Hitchcock à Ozu: Une lecture marxiste de Cinéma de Gilles Deleuze 1 TP13THermann, Paris), The Three Revolutions: The Political Philosophy of Deleuze-Guattari (, co-authored with Yoshiyuki Sato , Kodansha Metiersensho ), etc.

In front of the camera, all phenomena are equivalent. The camera perceives all phenomena equally, without any value judgment. Can a film based on such a "visual unconscious" (R/Kraussian ) of the camera still generate on the screen an "event" that stands out from all other phenomena as such? This is the question that Eric Romer repeatedly asked, especially in his films of the 1980s. Words create events . But in order to await the arrival of the event outlined by words, one must also develop a sensitivity to minute symbols. The titles of "Claire's Knee," "Green Rays," and "Blue Time," ( and "The Four Adventures of Lenette and Mirabelle," ), are all names of events. ( Text by Jun Hirose, ).

Keisuke Kagiwada ( Keisuke Kagiwada )
. Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1988. While a university student, he was recruited by film critic Yasuto Higuchi and began his writing career. He has written mainly about pop culture for POPEYE, BRUTUS, GRIND, STUDIO VOICE, and other publications. He is the co-author of "100 Movies for Everyone" with illustrator Osamu Nagaba. He is currently producing an independent fashion magazine, "Pending MAGAZINE.

Time, which was not supposed to be mixed, unexpectedly collides with each other, mixing and sparking. Events in film occur in such moments, don't they? For a film to fly more, for an event to be summoned, a mixture is necessary. . unlike cocaine. . Anyway, it is not only action films that try to capture such moments, which are sometimes called "action plays. Comedy films, too, have developed and are still developing ways to make the event = the play happen. In this article, I would like to discuss the "action" in some comedies, including Jerry Lewis's "The Man with the Bottomless Bottom 00. ( Text by Keisuke Keywada )

The event was preceded by aThis eventWhat impressed me when I visited the "K" in the first place was Jun Hirose's passionate talk, which could be described as a kind of art of storytelling, and Mr. Keywada's calm delivery backed by his quiet love of movies.

You will encounter diversity and depth in the way you look at movies, and the passionate love of cinema that cinephiles have for movies. The viewpoint of enjoying films more widely and deeply can lead to a new perspective on films and, by extension, on the world.

HARAJUKU CINEMA CLUB" is a movie hole-in-the-wall that has appeared in Harajuku. Keep an eye out for it in the future.

Text_Shinri Kobayashi

Theme: "Events in Film
Guests: Jun Hirose ( Critic / Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Ryukoku University ) , Keisuke Keywada ( Writer )
Date and Time: June 23, 2019 ( Day ) Doors open 19:00 / Concert begins 19:30
Admission:<一般>Reservation ¥2,000 ¥2,200 on the day <学生>Reservation ¥1,800 ¥2,000 (*All drinks ¥500)
Venue: VACANT/2F( 3-20-13) Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Event Page:

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