Translated By DeepL

Only UNITED Athle's world is complete without simplicity. A new label that caters to working people has also been introduced this season.

Tough, simple, blank (plain) apparel in a variety of colors and types.United AthleThe appeal of this product is its sincere craftsmanship built up over its 89-year history, its convenience in matching any outfit, and its reasonable pricing.

Perhaps due to the street boom that began a few years ago, the popularity of brightly colored items that are close to primary colors has soared in recent years. United Athle" has also changed in line with the times. One such change is the sharper finish of its looks.

T-shirts , pants, sweatshirts and anoraks. There is a strength in the simplicity and pursuit of these items that makes us think that they can be worn so glamorously.

Also, starting this season, a new label has been launched with the concept of "A life of pride and work is wonderful."United Athle Works, Inc.The launch of "The Hottest Shops in Tokyo". The staff members of the four hot stores that are making Tokyo a buzz are wearing items that incorporate the originality of each store. Actually, the following items are not for sale, but we feel their enthusiasm not only from a commercial point of view.

Guru's Cut & Stand




The staff uniforms are all earthy, yet bright, and were created with the idea of "providing people who work with pride with attire that is appropriate for their pride. There are colors that can be produced because the brand only offers simple items. I feel that such significance resides in the brand's beliefs.


United Athle

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