Translated By DeepL

Choosing Electricity. What Seikou Ito and Minna Denryoku envision for the future of electricity?

On Saturday, September 21, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., Seiko Ito was at Tokyo Cultuart by BEAMS, located on the 4th floor of BEAMS Japan in Shinjuku.

This is a great vision that will fundamentally change the way energy has been used to date. The idea has been in the back of our minds since the Chernobyl accident, and with the passage of time and advances in technology, what would have been considered a "delusion" until then is finally being materialized.

The driving force behind the realization of Mr. Ito's grand vision is Minna Denryoku, a new electric power company. Minna Denryoku is the only company in Japan that offers "energy traceability" and makes full use of the blockchain under the slogan "face to face power," and is more accurately described as an "energy tech company" than as a general venture company. It would be more accurate to call it an "energy tech company" rather than a venture company.

HOUYHNHNM has produced articles like this in the past.

Future society based on electric power and energy issues.

Mr. Ito appeared during "Minna Denryoku's" first-ever over-the-counter electricity sales event on the first floor of BEAMS Japan.

Just as music quickly became available at convenience stores rather than record stores in the form of iTunes cards, and the site of exchange became the Internet, the "electricity card" was born in the energy world. In a few years, everyone would casually ask, "Where do you use electricity now?" ." "I've decided to go with Idle Power, even though it's more expensive. I can get priority for tickets." "Isn't the natural disaster over there bad? I can't volunteer, but I can at least contribute with my electricity bill.

And on this day, far ahead of that "first ever," Seikou Ito, Chief of the Electricity Resort Division of Minna Denryoku, was born to share with us his vision of the future of electric power.

I want to sweat more for everyone!"

. which sounded like a heroic shout, Mr. Ito said. That is why "Chief Ito," who was neither an advisor nor a counselor, but an arm-sack wearing "Chief Ito" was there.

. The following is the heat emanating from the section chief on the day of the meeting, delivered as verbatim as possible.

We all own "solar sharing" panels.

Seiko: The basic idea was, in essence, to get musicians to buy solar panels. Moreover, he wanted them to buy solar panels with farmland underneath.

Solar sharing.

Seiko: First of all, we need to do at least that solar sharing, or the land will become thin. Also, if the idea is simply "artist power," we could have artists buy a group of solar panels and then have their fans buy the power, which would be interesting, but it would not be widespread. However, it would cost 10 million yen to buy a large amount of panels that can generate a decent amount of electricity.

A single power plant, say 50 kilowatts, costs about 10 million yen.

Seiko: If that happens, no matter who you talk to, they will say, "I can't give you that money. Even if they did, people would think, "That's something rich people do," which would not be good for the artists. And even if they did, people would think, "Well, that's what rich people do," and that wouldn't be good for the artists. . ." The amount is not that much, to be honest. But I thought, "There must be some other way.

Seiko left a novel memo in which he gave shape to the ideas that were born in this way.

Seiko: There were a lot of words like "electric power resort," "electric power village," or "electric resort" written there. This means that even though you can't buy a single power plant, for example, everyone should "virtually own" a chunk of the place where they have electric power. Then, after making it virtual, I would divide it up into shares, like stocks, to the people I call on, or to the people I get to know through this project. Then, even one panel could be divided, and the unit price per person would be very low.

Solar sharing is a double cropping system: farming on the bottom and power generation on the top, and even the shading rate of the sunlight is calculated. This is why each panel is long and thin, in other words, it is "easy to divide".

Seikou: So, like a stock, 100 people buy it, like "Oh, I'll buy it, too," and it is divided into 100 shares. But if it became just a holding company, I thought, "That's not very interesting. But if it was just a holding, it would not be interesting at all. I decided to name the virtual panels "Seiko Ito Beach. The panels are actually just a row of rectangular panels, but they are indeed Seiko Ito's beach, and this is his mountain. . I have already e-mailed a few people to ask about it.

You are already making progress (laughs).

Seiko: I've e-mailed them, and I've already gotten positive feedback from about two people. So, if everyone says, "I want to go to Ito Seiko Beach," then I want the person to think, "I'm going to buy a cottage on that beach, too. Even that, whether it's 50,000 yen or 20,000 yen, you break it down into smaller pieces, and besides, the person who buys it has the right to use the electricity that is produced there in his house. . because it's a panel that you own. If that happens, everyone will switch to electricity. Energy is a "good thing," but people feel that there is no opportunity to switch, that they don't know what they are doing, and that it is not fun. They think, "I have to do it out of obligation. Then I'll just do it later.

. I think it's just a social "good" thing to do.

Seiko: No matter how hard I try to talk to the people around me, they know it's a good idea, but it's hard to get a contract. So I've already said, "Let's all have a resort. And here's the thing, everyone deserves to have electricity to do this, you know, explain it to me. . I heard they're doing it with "blockchain.

. "Electricity resorts" are only possible because of the "blockchain.

. The blockchain is a system where everyone has access to the same information and authenticates in real time that "this person did indeed do this". . like a "public record-keeping mechanism," made especially famous in recent years with Bitcoin and other virtual currencies.

Seiko: It's absolutely there, it's a series of numbers that prevent people from being able to tell a lie. And with blockchain, how is that good?

The characteristic of the blockchain is that it is "not centralized," meaning that it is not led by something large and centralized.

Seiko: So you're saying, "It's decentralized. And that means that you are always looking at electricity usage and production in that way, right?

We manage supply and demand by looking at how much electricity is being produced and used on both sides of the production and consumption of electricity every 30 minutes.

Seiko: Can each family do that?

. Right now, Minna Denryoku's service is mainly for businesses, but eventually it will be possible to match the amount of electricity generated with the amount consumed every 30 minutes for every household.

Seiko: So, even something like buying a little bit of it and getting a cut would be possible in the future. With blockchain, even just a little bit, we can think like, "I am using 31 TP10T of renewable energy. This is right, right?


Seiko: Using that technology, you gradually increased the ratio of renewable energy in your mind, like "I don't have any money right now," "Start with one panel for now," "At first I had three panels, but now I have five," and finally, "Let's make it perfect. The conventional approach of trying to sell one or two solar panels at a time was not centralized in the first place, but rather decentralized, while the way electricity from the panels was sold was not centralized at all! . That was my question and complaint. Then, I said, "Let's just divide it all up into smaller pieces, even if it's virtual. Then, "Let's join each of them," I thought.

Seiko: If everyone participates and changes their lifestyle, they can proudly say to their neighbors, not only "I have an electric panel," but also "I have a cottage at 'Seiko Ito Beach. Then, he should not only paint the panels virtually, but also draw some clouds and the sky next to the real local panels. I could work with an artist to draw flowers and plants. The current solar panels look like machines, machines, machines. I said, "Let's stop doing that! I said, "Let's stop doing that. We're having fun! And I'm having fun. It's like being in a dream world, and besides, "If we can create an actual place there, why don't we just have a festival? The artists are involved in the festival, so I said, "Let's do something that will make people say, 'Next time my lights will light up,' 'Next time my lights will make sounds,' and 'Oh, wow! I say, "Let's do something that will make people say, 'Oh my lights are going to light up next!

Distributed" is important, and that is something that Minna Denryoku has also been emphasizing.

Seiko: That's what I have been saying for a long time, too, that if we don't abandon the idea of centralization itself, it won't fit in the 21st century at all anymore. We need a different way of doing things on the Internet, and in fact, even Twitter is becoming less and less like that, but ideally, we were talking about "just having someone and someone else do things on their own," weren't we? As long as they exchange information, that's all that matters. But at the root of it all is the hippie spirit of "making it your own as much as possible, right? Moreover, we are calling this a "power resort," but we don't want it to be just a virtual image of a resort.

Me, actually, I'm already thinking to the next level. Then, we could have an "Electric Power Resort by sponsoring companies" . Then, for example, BEAMS could have BEAMS Mountain. . Then there could be a place called "adidas something" there, and it could be a city, not a resort. We could say "adidas Building" and even if we go there and it is only a flat surface, in our own image, it could be "a very nice ideal building".

. and when you go to the site, there is a Lego building by the panel.

Seiko: There are panels that companies can have in that way, panels that individuals can have with artists, and then there are those who really want to buy power from Fukushima and say, "We're going to make Fukushima a major energy resort! If you have the desire to make Fukushima a major energy resort, you can have a cottage in the power resort in Fukushima. In this day and age, time and space are multi-layered and layered, so this is more like a video game, and it's fun! I would like to expand the idea of "virtually dividing the resort and having it together," not just "let's have a resort with artists," but "virtually dividing the resort and having it together" with a variety of ideas. I would like to expand the idea of "dividing the resort virtually and sharing it with others" with a variety of ideas.

The "Electricity (Electricity) Resort" section , the birth of the section chief.

Is it true that you have been appointed section chief of "Minna Denryoku"? In fact, I heard that you were offered the position of advisor or counselor. . I heard that there was also an offer to be an advisor or a consultant.

Seiko: That's not interesting. If it becomes, "Advisor to Minna Denryoku," people will think, "He's just saying that because he has power and is an advisor, isn't he? I'm more interested in working for the good of everyone. I have more of an image of an "old man at city hall" who works for the good of everyone. Let's build a nice resort! Let's work hard for everyone! I want to work for everyone. That is why I created a section, and the first thing to do was to make a business card. And not only business cards, but also black arm sacks to put on your arms.

Now, let's move on to the presentation ceremony!

Seiko: You should! I know President Oishi is here, too, because, after all, today is the presentation of the big concept (laughs).

Oishi: Hello, I am the president .

Audience: Applause

Oishi: Now, I would like to make my inaugural address.

Seiko: Thank you very much!

Oishi: Are you sure? (Laughs)

Seiko: Of course. . isn't this the fun of the virtual? This kind of playfulness is what the world of renewable energy is all about.

. Here is my business card.

Seiko: You can leave that here and everyone can take one copy. I don't get a chance to give them out very often (laughs).

Oishi: It has English in it too. It's cool!

Seiko: Electric Resort Division. . so we decided to use "D-Resort" as our e-mail address.

Oishi: Resignation. Mr. Ito Seikou . I am appointing you as Section Chief.

There is also an embroidered shirt exclusively for the Chief.

Seiko: Wow! Hey, I'm going to wear it over there (laughs).

Mr. Oishi . How do you feel about the commemorative inauguration of this new section?

Oishi: No, no, how about you, I am here without really knowing what I was invited to do (laughs). But I was present at the first meeting with Mr. Seiko about the Electric Power Resort Section concept. After all, the issue of electric power is quite difficult to communicate. For example, until now, when promoting renewable energy, it seemed as if someone had to make enemies to spread the word. However, Mr. Seiko's story has a dream, doesn't it? He has his own plot of land next to Seiko's at the resort over there," or something like that. He has taken the idea one step beyond the stage of "how to get artists to hold panels," and has dared to create an imaginary world where everyone can enjoy solar panels. This is something we would never have thought of.
Minna Denryoku" is a group of people who enjoy thinking about the issue of electricity together, and we are living in an age when anyone can produce electricity and everyone can choose the kind of electricity they want. In terms of "decentralization," electricity has always had the image of wealth that has been monopolized by a few people, and my original founding philosophy was that this would lead to the "decentralization of wealth" through the power of everyone. . And the fact that it can be done in a fun way is a dream come true.

. Ah, here comes the section chief who has finished changing his clothes.

Seiko: This is the kind of image I have. I'm wearing jeans today, but I'm going to put on my boots and say, "I'm actually working" (laughs). I'm going to work really hard, so please give me your best regards (bowing to the president).

Oishi: I really think this is a world-changing idea!

Seiko: I feel the same way, and I'm excited to speak to everyone! We have that same enthusiasm. And then there really is produce that can be produced on the farmland under those panels that you own, right? So, perhaps, if we have access to it, we can have a system where we can buy what the farmers are producing there on a preferential basis, right? I think it is important to talk about the possibility of creating a double layer of agriculture and energy.

. It's expanding rapidly, isn't it?

Seiko: It's a fantasy (laughs), but there are actual panels there and farmland, which is important.

Oishi: The amount of renewable energy is increasing, farmland is being cultivated more and more, and abandoned farmland is disappearing, and everyone is happy about it.

Seiko: It would be great if that happened! And if our ideas are adopted more and more, the section will be able to put its stamp on it and say, "We did it! . This concept could actually happen. This idea could actually happen (laughs).

Chief, you seem to stamp a lot.

Seiko: Because I am a section chief and (showing his arm sack) this is why, it's not digital. I used to wear this when I wrote manuscripts, and Nancy Seki once made one for me. So I am very familiar with it. I've already sent DMs to some people as a preliminary step, so I'd like to draw their attention to this system. I've already DM'd a few people.

Oishi: Without the president's approval (laughs).

Seikou: I've even DM'd to quite a few people. I can't retract it anymore (laughs), so if the president releases as a resort the several mouthfuls that everyone's power has in that first round, I can just do the "what kind of mass to fill in there," right? . as a section chief.

Oishi: As the president, if the section chief says so, all I can say is, "I will take responsibility.

Seiko: Nice! President! (Laughter)

Oishi: Let's do it right away.

. the "artist" is the chairperson and director of publicity.

Let me ask you this: What is the role of an artist in a resort?

Seikou: The village heads of each region. It's a leader, or a chairman, or a chairperson. . He is also the head of the advertising department who gathers everyone's opinions and says, "Please buy the panels here. I hope that everyone will be competing with each other to buy the panels. I think it would be great if everyone would be fighting over the panels, and if you ask why people are fighting over them, it would be better to have the delusion that "You can have so much fun when you come to Ito Seiko Beach! ." I think it's better to have that kind of delusion. So, I think it's better to have a fantasy that, "We're going to have an autumn festival at the Mountain," or, "The beach is a summer festival! . You can do whatever comes to your mind.

. - book clubs, dinner clubs, whatever.

Seiko: It could be a debate. We're going to do what we want to do, but we want to create the image that it's all set in a resort, not in a rigid way, but in a way that it's both a lifestyle and a vacation. So, actually switching everyone's electricity at home to electric power would be a passport that would allow them to enter right when the electric power resort started.

. - Switching to Minna Denryoku is a condition of participation in the power resort.

Seikou: That means that I, as a section chief, am now firmly switching over to electricity and proudly saying, "It's Minna Denryoku. . I would like to say, "We only use renewable energy. I want that kind of pride. I think it is important to convey the image that "we are switching because we want pride to be at its highest".

What is the reaction of the people you have already spoken to?

Seiko: The first one is a young person I have never DM'd before, but I sent a message to someone who said, "He should understand," saying, "I'd like to do something like this," and he rather said, "Thank you very much. . for telling me those things, and I'll be positive about it." And the other person said, "Of course. I think everyone wanted to do something like this. So, that's not "power to brag about," but "thanks for being the first to call on us!" . that's the kind of response I'm getting.

Oishi: That's a great start.

Seikou: Because I am already thinking about the festival and thinking about each part. I've got to gather the drums and the bass guitar and so on and so forth. I'm already courting them in terms of having guitars and rappers and so on (laughs). The last band of the festival will be "The Landowners," and they will be playing sounds from renewable energy. Then, if we don't get together with the Solar Budokan in Nakatsugawa, those people will say, "What do you mean, Mr. Oishi?" and "Why didn't you call us first?

There may be a Solar Budokan Resort there.

Seiko: Of course!

You guys should build one resort, too (laughs).

Seiko: Yes . I'll give you the River, too, from me.

Oishi: It's a Nakatsu "river" (laughs).

Seiko: And then, at first, it would be only musicians, but then they would say, "Even artists are not allowed to do that. Even painters want to own power plants. So, once this happens, the project will spread quickly. So I am thinking about the first map. Also, I think we need more women. I want women to be equally represented, and I think it is natural for them to be 50% and 50%, so the power company needs to change their mindset.

Oishi: So it's not something that some people have.

Seikou: Yes, yes, yes. . that it is totally different from the past. . Because our way of thinking is in the 21st century. . If we do that, everyone will be proud to say, "This is a good company.

. That is exactly what I would like Greta from Sweden to have.

Seiko: Of course you will have it! You just have to give it away!

Audience: (Laughter).

Today, what I personally have been bothered by from the beginning is that, theoretically, it is possible to use the blockchain to distribute panels in small pieces and have everyone own a large power plant. But behind the scenes, there are people who manage it manually, which takes a lot of manpower and resources. I wondered if that was physically possible. . That's the concern that flashed through my mind.

Oishi: In the end, such unreasonable demands give rise to innovation.

Seiko: Good point, Mr. President! It's still different!

Oishi: Because we are talking about power resorts, there is the fact that blockchain technology is going to be more advanced. So, we will need much more detailed ties than before.

Seiko: And when you can really tie that fine string together, you can achieve true decentralization. It's not just solar, it's not just solar, it's what 1 TP10T from hydro, what percentage from wind, and even if it's a person's small household, only Minna Denryoku would be able to say that one apartment is "supplied by renewable energy"!

Oishi: Yes . Chief, that's great!

Audience: Applause (Seikou-san exits)

Seiko, following your recent visit to our office, you spoke up a storm and left.

Oishi: Today, I really didn't have a single script, I was just told to be here at 19:00. Seiko and I had no prior communication, not even one of the things we had to do, and he was able to become the head of the Electricity Resorts Division himself. But I believe that this presentation will be a good opportunity for everyone to have fun and make electricity a personal matter. I hope that you will continue to pay attention to the other side of the outlet, and I hope that you will watch over this project and support it in various ways. I hope we can keep expanding this circle of involvement.


Minna Denryoku

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