Translated By DeepL

Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip! Huinamu Unplugged is having a pop-up at Daikanyama Tsutaya.

Ken Kagami's tagging "Too much hip-hip! by Ken Kagami seems to have left a strong impression, and many people have told us that they saw it in "Huinum Unplugged vol. 10" (released on September 24).

If you recall, it was exactly 5 years ago that we released Vol. 1, titled "Hip Style Manual 2015". Since then, the year has changed from Heisei to 2019, and this issue is our attempt to redefine "hip" in a new way. The entire magazine is filled with so much hipness that you will find yourself saying "hip-hip-hip" a lot.

In conjunction with the release of this issue, which explores the current state of hip culture, a pop-up exhibit of the issue is currently being held in the magazine section of Daikanyama Tsutaya. This is a fun project in which the featured person will change every certain period of time.


The lineup includes the following people . Please check out the magazine to find out why they are here .

September 24-October 5, Ken Kagami ← End
Oct. 8 - Oct. 12 Yuhi Ozaki
October 13 - October 19, Hiromichi Yumoto (SEE SEE)
October 20 - October 26 ? (Enjoy!)

Here is a partial view of Yuhi Ozaki's exhibit that we have photographed.

Leather bag from "YOUNG&OLSEN The DRYGOODS STORE".

A cap with a cat silhouette from "YOUNG&OLSEN The DRYGOODS STORE.

Special stickers by Ken Kagami are included as a bonus with magazine purchases. Please stop by and see Mr. Ozaki's items, too, as they are all good stuff. . The location is next to the zine corner in the magazine section.


Huynem Unplugged vol.10 Pop-up

Dates: ~October 26 (Saturday)
Place: Daikanyama Tsutaya
Address: DAIKANYAMA T-SITE Tsutaya 2, 1F, 17-5 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

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