Translated By DeepL

The stage, that era, comes to mind. The collaboration between Umbro and Pretty Green by Liam Gallagher!

Liam Gallagher has recently calmed down from his unprecedented actions and words. His solo activities seem to be going well, and I have the impression that his dignity as a heavyweight rock star is beginning to emerge along with his fame.

His brand, [Joon].Pretty Green” and “UMBROThe collaboration item was launched by the "K" brand.

The combination of Umbro and Liam's 1996 live performance on the main road is still a favorite of ours. The trademark paisley pattern of "Pretty Green" is used throughout, including a top similar to the jersey he wore on stage.

A long zip-up parka or a simple jersey. For fans, the lineup was a very difficult one to choose from, and the smell of those days could be clearly felt.

For sale is the soccer store "KAMOorthis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)s online store, for example. We recommend that you check with EC first.



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