Translated By DeepL

What does it mean that you can buy vintage MLB merchandise at the Yokohama DeNA BayStars lifestyle store?

The Yokohama DeNA BayStars are fashionable. This is no longer an old fact. The creativity that greets you when you get off at Kannai station is clearly sophisticated.

Fashionable sensibilities and sports go hand in hand, not to mention the example of professional sports in other countries. Posters, PR videos, and merchandise are just a few examples of the many aspects in which "good taste" is required.

So, the Yokohama DeNA BayStars are one of the best in this field.

News like thisOn March 7 (Sat), "+B," a lifestyle store on the first floor of "THE BAYS," a complex facility operated by the Yokohama DeNA BayStars, will start selling vintage MLB (Major League Baseball) goods.

I think it is already quite an interesting experiment when an NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball) baseball team handles MLB merchandise.

As for vintage goods, the popular project "Vintage SummitVintage buyer Michihiko Kurihara, who is also well-known for his work in the "Vintage Shop" section, provides full support for the store! We have tops such as vintage stadium jumpers and T-shirts, deadstock caps, and other items in good condition, mainly from the 90s.

By offering vintage MLB merchandise, which is highly fashionable and has many fans, at places like this, the base of baseball in Japan will smoothly expand to the fashion side as well.


Lifestyle Shop +B

Address: 1F THE BAYS, 34 Nihon-Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Open: 11:00-19:00 (open year-round/except for year-end and New Year holidays and temporary closures)

*All items are one-of-a-kind and may sell out.
Vintage goods are available only in "Lifestyle Shop +B" stores.
*Not available in the online store.

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