Translated By DeepL

Means Weil and Danner are back together again. The result is a unique mountain boot with webbing tape.

Last year's popular〈Meanswhile〉.andDANNER.The collaboration model of "Means Weil" has appeared once again. Once again, the wisdom and ingenuity of Means Weil have resulted in a one-of-a-kind mountain boot.

The eye-catching feature is the webbing tape in place of laces. The design used on the anorak parka, one of Means Weil's most popular items, has been incorporated into the boots. The classic look of mountain boots is transformed into an avant-garde appearance. They bring a strong individuality to your feet.

Danner Mountain "Harness" ¥62,000+TAX
Color: Midnight/Reflect

Danner Mountain "Harness" ¥62,000+TAX
Color: Midnight/Forest/Reflect

Danner Mountain "Harness" ¥62,000+TAX
Color: Ocean/Reflect

Three colors are available: black leather, which fits a wide range of styles, and brown and navy suede materials that change with age. The webbing tape has reflectors crimped on both sides, giving it a different look when reflected by light. They are also functional on dark nighttime streets.

This pair is a pair that brings out a different charm from the previous "Danner" pair, and is a pair that allows you to fully enjoy the true appeal of this special-order. They are already on sale at all stores that carry them, so if you are interested, please be sure to order as soon as possible.



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