Translated By DeepL

Huynem Unplugged Extravaganza! "Dangerous" Hobbies You Shouldn't Get Too Addicted to. Pokemon Go Edition.

The world of hobbies stimulates insatiable curiosity. There exists a "swamp" into which one cannot return once hooked. Once you set foot in there, you forget all about normalcy and become absorbed in it. Do you really want to go that far? In "Finam Unplugged vol. 11," we introduced people who have become addicted to a dangerous hobby that makes you want to say, "I'll never go that far!

As an extra edition of the web version, here we take a closer look at the "swamp" of the smartphone game Pokémon Go. There are many trainers in town who are staring at their smartphone screens in order to encounter unknown Pokémon or to enhance the Pokémon they have acquired. We spoke with Masataka Miura and Takayuki Tamura, who are fascinated by the world of "Pokémon GO" .

Photo left: Mr. Masataka Miura
He has been playing "Pokemon Go" since 2004, mainly on his way to work and on his way home every day. He likes to look at the geotags of Pokémon he catches on his travels, both in Japan and abroad. . A self-proclaimed "40-something male" who hopes that Pokémon GO will soon be introduced in China and Cuba.
Photo right: Mr. Takayuki Tamura
. He is the director of 14 SHOWROOM, an atached press. He was led into the world of Pokemon by the cuteness of Pikachu, and naturally started playing "Pokemon Go". . Since then, he has become so absorbed in the game that his family has become involved as well.

Cute!" The Pokémon Go swamp starts with .

Pokemon Red and Green" was released in 1996. Since then, various contents have been released to the world, including sequel games, TV animation, movies, and even the smartphone game "Pokemon Go.

Tamura: "I am not of the Pokémon don't-believe generation. . I didn't know about Fushigibana, Hitokage, and Zenigame. But I knew Pikachu and thought it was cute. Then, in 2016, "Pokemon Go" was launched. I was a bit of a meek person, so I started playing too. Then there was no turning back. I have nothing but regrets about this.
On the other hand, another person who was drawn to the magic was Masataka Miura, who works in sales for a certain publishing company.

Miura: "I only knew Pikachu, too. But I was interested in location games. I tried to download the game, but Pikachu didn't appear at all (laughs), and I had to quit for a while. I heard by chance that there was a large number of Pikachus in Shibuya, and when I went there, I was able to get a Pikachu. That's when I suddenly started having fun.

Mr. Miura's Recommended Pokémon: Heedran (different color)
Just when I was about to finish my appearance in the raid, it popped up. I had heard that they were quite rare, and to be honest, I was happy because I had not expected them. Heedlan has become a mainstay with the addition of the new technique.

Mr. Tamura's Recommended Pokémon Gradon (different color)
. I got the different colored Gradon in a raid. I wanted to capture the different color, so I tried the raid 100 times and finally got it. Of course, I cried.

Pokémon Go," a game that has hooked both of us big boys and girls. Why can't they stop? Mr. Miura tells us.

Miura: "One thing is Pokémon evolution. There is a system where you have to get a lot of Pokémon to evolve, and I once went all the way to a Pokémon nest to get a lot of Pokémon (laughs).

Tamura: "Also, it tickles my collector's fancy. As you know if you like clothes, you want to collect a lot of Pokémon to fill up your Pokémon book, and you want to evolve them. And then you find your favorite Pokémon, and it's fun to love him or her like a pet!

The two have been playing this game for more than three years. Tamura-san seems to be putting a lot of effort into strengthening his Pokémon, and he is not losing his motivation.

Tamura: "Each Pokémon has a CP, which expresses its strength, and I want to raise it to the limit. In addition, there is a value called "Individual Value," which expresses the qualities a Pokémon possesses in the first place, and I want to raise Pokémon with both values maxed out.

Mr. Tamura's favorite Pokémon Mewtwo
. "This is a Mewtwo with an individual value of 100. I got it in an exchange with my brother-in-law. I encountered him once in a raid, but unfortunately I couldn't get him, so I cried tears of joy when I got him safely (laughs)."

Mr. Miura's Recommended Pokémon Hat Pichu (different color)
'It's a Pokémon that came out for a limited time . . I think it's pretty rare. It is, but the different colors are so subtle that I didn't notice it for a while. I'm really glad I didn't send it to the doctor."

, a strong attraction that also changes the way of life.

Tamura-san's enthusiasm for "Pokemon Go" has finally led him to a forbidden method. As you may have guessed, it's paying bills.

Tamura: "I decided to limit it to 12,000 yen per month, and I do it every month. . I had a great conflict with this. Originally, my policy was to do my best without paying, but there was a Pokémon I really wanted to get at that time, and it was a time when it was easier to hatch from eggs due to a limited-time event. . So I wanted a lot of items called "hatching devices. When I talked to my wife about it, she just warned me not to overdo it, but I ended up paying for it. I got it safely right after that (laughs)."

He has already been charging for nearly two and a half years, and the amount he has spent is already several hundred thousand yen.... On the other hand, Mr. Miura describes his stance on billing as follows.

Miura: "I've played about twice so far. I don't pay much. . But if I continue to play every day, I find good Pokémon. I do a little bit in the morning and a little bit at night, and sometimes I take a detour on my way home to find new ones. So if you make it your life's work, you will collect a good amount of Pokémon.

Mr. Tamura & Mr. Miura's "Attachment PokéStop": Hope-kun
Both of them have a special place in their hearts for this place. Mr. Tamura said, "This is the place where I remember getting my favorite Pokémon, Gradon. Miura said, "It's a safe place to go during events.

Mr. Tamura's "Attachment PokéStop": Javit-kun in Minamidai 2-chome
. I can't miss this place. I come here on my days off, send gifts to my friends, and do missionary work for the Titans (laughs)," he says, honest to a fault about what he likes.

Listening to the two of them, it seems as if their personal lives are almost entirely dominated by Pokémon. . to this point, I am convinced that they are now completely swamped in the Pokémon swamp.

Tamura: "Aside from spending time with my family, I don't go to the movies anymore since I started playing "Pokemon Go. . Because during the two hours of the movie, I might catch a good Pokémon (laughs). (Laughs.) I am always thinking about how to make time for Pokemon. In fact, I don't spend money anymore because I don't go out as often. It has led to savings.

Miura: "If I've come this far, I can't stop now.... I have a mysterious sense of obligation to continue (laughs).

Tamura: "I am the type of person who, once I start something, keeps going with it, personality-wise. That's why I will never stop. Or rather, I have zero intention of stopping. Because it's fun (laughs).

Miura: "I'm interested in the mechanism. I'm interested in how 'Pokémon GO' can entertain people. Miura: "I am interested in the mechanism. I am looking forward to seeing how the game, which has the whole world excited, will be updated in the future, and I will continue to play it for a long, long time (laughs).

Pokémon Go" does not have a goal like RPG games. . It seems that this "dangerous" hobby of two people addicted to it will continue in the future.

Photo_Kazunobu Yamada
Text_Yuichiro Tsuji

*The interview is currently being published in the current issue of "Huinamu Unplugged" magazine! Check it out as well.

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