Translated By DeepL

Calvin Klein's new campaign #PROUDINMYCALVINS , in support of all people living as LGBTQ+.

Diversity" has become a global hot word in recent years. Translated into Japanese to mean "diversity," the word is becoming a global standard, fundamental to the way we think about society, culture, work ... and many other areas. This definitely includes LGBTQ+. As a symbol of this, you may have heard of "Rainbow Pride," an event held in various places in Japan to respect and share the feelings of such people.

The focus here is onCalvin Klein.#PROUDINMYCALVINS, a campaign in support of all people living as LGBTQ+ . . The highlight of the campaign is that nine artists share their experiences as sexual minorities in their own words.

The cast is led by Chela Mann, a transgender model with a hearing impairment, Mary V. (photographer), Pablo Vitor (Brazilian singer, drag queen), Jari Jones (model, actor), Mina Garges (model, actor), Gia Woods (singer), Tommy Dorfman (actor), Rhys King (model, poet), Ama Elsesser (actor, model). The movies are in English, but each of them conveys well their realistic, cute expressions and beauty. We have picked out four of them below.

"I believe as any queer person, you're always part of the queer community... it's always there. We have your back" Chella Man

"And that's what a family is built on: showing up and being there for each other. "Jari Jones

"Being able to say I'm gender queer, gender fluid, non-binary, makes me feel like I have a place. "Tommy Dorfman

"Today I can be whoever I want to be. "Pabllo Vittar

. was photographed by Ryan McGinley, one of the world's leading photographers. . the theme was to be proud of all of your personalities, and I wanted everyone in the LGBTQ+ community to feel like they were represented, part of, and admired." . He has recently been working on a movie, and each character is captured well, even if they are represented differently from the stills.

This campaign has been running since May 14 . In addition, they will be disseminating content that communicates the common themes of love, family, coming out, aliveness (support), and identity in the future.

Calvin Klein not only launched a campaign, but also recently helped the NGO OutRight Action International establish the COVID-19 LGBTIQ International Emergency Fund in response to the spread of the new coronavirus. . It is also worth mentioning that they are supporting LGBTQ+ related organizations that support those affected.


Calvin Klein

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