Translated By DeepL

A whole new kind of chilled Chinese noodles! Food culture magazine RiCE and Mr. Toba of sio, the windbreaker of the chef world, have teamed up.

After the unusually long rainy season in recent years, it seems as if we are getting a rebound from it with the continued hot weather we are experiencing today. I think it is more appropriate to say "painful" than "hot.

Nevertheless, in order to fully enjoy the summer that has finally arrived, we would like to share a truly summery announcement with you today.

Chilled chuka is a typical summer food, but not in a strange way; it seems that no matter where you eat it, it tastes the same. The only choices would be soy sauce sauce and sesame sauce. I wonder why this is so, when there are so many different variations available for other noodle dishes.

Chef Shusaku Toba of "sio" in Yoyogi Uehara, a legend in the food world, has developed a completely new recipe for chilled yashi chuka. After about three months of planning and repeated prototyping, he has come up with the name "Shin Chilled Chuka". It was produced by the food culture magazine "RiCE".

And recently, a pop-up event was held at JINNAN HOUSE in Shibuya to celebrate the sale of this "Shin Chilled Chuka".

The day of the event was summer! It was a perfect day to eat chilled chuka. It was a perfect day to enjoy chilled chuka. We asked Hiroshi Inada, editor-in-chief of "RiCE," about the process of creating "Shin-Riyashi Chuka.

Mr. Toba of "sio" used to be a great help to me with "RiCE", but during this period of self-restraint, he really kicked it into high gear. When everyone was wondering what to do, he was the first one to focus on take-out, open recipes, and appear on TV to increase the denominator of happiness! I was doing all kinds of activities in the name of "increasing the denominator of happiness!

I have indeed seen Mr. Toba many times on TV.

I also sympathized with Mr. Toba's vision or way of thinking. On the other hand, I was thinking of doing EC for "RiCE" regardless of Corona, but after much consideration, I first approached Mr. Toba, and after several rounds of back-and-forth, "Shin Chilled Chinese Food" took shape.

Mr. Inada also mentioned that chilled chuka is still a food that is not easily improved, perhaps due to its characteristic of being eaten mainly only in summer. In such a situation, Mr. Toba had been working on updating existing dishes such as Bain-mee, ginger yaki, and Neapolitan, and he asked me to come up with this recipe, thinking that it would be just right since summer is coming.

The noodles are good! While most chilled chuka noodles are thin, Mr. Toba insisted on thick, crunchy noodles this time. They are both satisfying and smooth.

The ingredients are chicken breast, trevis, broiled egg, shiitake mushrooms, lettuce, white onion, and finally sansho.

The sauce is soy-sauce based, but with a hint of sourness, and is thickened with cream. The sauce is refreshing and elegant, yet has depth and originality. As I write this, I am drooling and want to try it again soon.

Hence, this "Shin Chilled Chuka",This pageIt is available for purchase at We will be checking back regularly to see if this series will continue.

Photo_Shinji Serizawa

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