Translated By DeepL

2020 Space Journey! KAWS' newest work has been unleashed into outer space.

KAWS has been active in the street art and contemporary art worlds, and this year, they released the AR artwork "KAWS EXPANDED HOLIDAY". KAWS has collaborated with UNIQLO, and is now a global phenomenon, as you may have already heard.

In 2018, we launched a new project, KAWS:HOLIDAY, which has taken the world by storm by expanding in Seoul, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan. Many of you may remember the excitement when it was presented last year at the foot of Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka, Japan.

In light of the current situation, KAWS has once again teamed up with longtime collaborator AllRightsReserved, a Hong Kong-based creative studio, to take off on the next journey into space under the new name "KAWS: HOLIDAY SPACE. .

First of all, we send you a full picture of it.

For this project, Cows' signature character COMPANION, wearing a space suit, entered the stratosphere at 41.5 km (136,296 feet ) using an exploration balloon. After ascending at very high speed, it took two hours to wander through weightless space and return to earth.

From launch to landing took about 8 hours, and the flight process was documented with a 360-degree all-surrounding video camera. This project celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Companion's birth. The video footage taken was,Cowes Instagram and, ,Instagram for "AllRightsReserved", ,Facebook Page. is now available to the public at

. finally, a comment from Cowles, who finally can't fit on a global scale anymore.

With the cancellation of various projects this year, we wanted to produce something that could be enjoyed from the comfort of our homes.
. This year marks the 20th anniversary of my first production of COMPANION. . So, despite all the restrictions, I felt the need to create something special. I have felt trapped for the past few months, and a project like this gave me a chance to escape that reality.

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