Translated By DeepL

There will also be dinner at Restaurant Kabi. The event to deepen your food knowledge will be held at Shibuya PARCO.

The corona has increased interest in health. Yes, exercise is important, and so is mental health. However, the body is formed by what we eat. What is important for both physical and mental health is, above all, the food we eat.

In this issue ofShibuya PARCOThe "Hearth Kitchenis an event where people learn about the importance of food through a market, talk sessions, and a special dinner.

Rooster: Poultry farm of former punk rocker Kohei Tokumitsu. He raises chickens in a cage-free & free-range environment at the foot of Kai Komagatake in the Southern Alps, which is blessed with famous water. Eggs from healthily reared hens have strong yolks and whites and have no odor.

Crazy Farm: A farm run by Yasutaka Ishige. The concept of the farm is to grow delicious and safe vegetables in a cyclical flow, considering the natural environment. He grows about 70 crops a year, mainly western vegetables for restaurants, without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

The market will feature Western vegetables from Crazy Farm, which are organically grown, and flat-fed eggs from Rooster, which raises poultry in a stress-free environment. Representatives from both companies will also be speaking at the talk session.

Kabi: A restaurant run by chef Shohei Yasuda and sommelier Kentaro Emoto. With a free spirit that is not bound by existing frameworks, their creative cuisine and pairings of natural wines and fermented juices are attracting a lot of attention.

The special dinner by Meguro restaurant Kabi (reservation required) is a pairing course consisting of five dishes with plenty of vegetables sold at the market and three kinds of drinks. Even though it is called a pairing, non-alcoholic drinks are also available, so those who are not fond of alcohol can also enjoy it. For more detailsthis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)Please check the website from the following link. Incidentally, a natural wine stand by "Kabi" will also be available during the day.

Hearth Kithen" is an event where you can find new value and enjoyment in the daily repetitive act of "eating". The event will be held on Sunday, September 20.


Hearth Kitchen

Dates: September 20 (Sun.)
Place: Shibuya PARCO ROOFTOP PARK (10F)
Address: 15-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Hours: 11:00-22:30

Hearth Kitchen CONTENTS
Hearth Kitchen Organic Veggie Market (11:00-17:00)
Naturals Wine & Snack Stand by Kabi (11:00-17:00)
Market (11:00-17:00)
Hearth Kitchen Talk Session (12:00 - 16:30 *3 sessions, 45 minutes each)
Hearth Kitchen Special Dinner by Kabi (first half 18:00-19:30 / second half 20:30-22:00)
Reservations required for dinner only. Reservations are accepted from 18:00 on 9/15. Seating is limited.
Reservation Form

Talk 1 (12:00-12:45)
"Corona: Kitchen Space and Enjoyment During a Period of Self-Discipline."
Kotsu (DJ), ery (Illustrator/Designer/Artist), Masataka Tai (Kabi Chef), Sumiya Omori (Kabi Sommelier)

Talk 2 (13:15-14:00)
"Living by Myself and Living in Connection Through Farming."
MIU (Model), Kohei Tokumitsu (Rooster)

Talk 3 (14:30-15:15)
"Food Making and Expression: On Making, Communicating, and Receiving Food."
Yasutaka Ishige (Crazy Farm), Shohei Yasuda (Kabi Owner Chef), Kentaro Emoto (Kabi Owner Sommelier)

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