Translated By DeepL

The result is a great visual of honest, down-to-earth clothing and fujito.

After the Corona disaster, what is now required of the fashion industry, fashion brands, and stores is honesty.

I believe that places that sincerely think about what kind of people they want to wear and who they want to deliver their products to, and honestly give shape to their ideas, will "remain".

FUJITO has always been sincere and honest, even before this.

The brand is aptly described as "evolving everyday clothes," as it incorporates detailed attention to detail and small suggestions in its basic, authentic items.

The image visual was shot in Aso, the belly button of Kyushu. The visuals were shot in Kyushu, slightly away from Hakata, the base of Fujito, but still in Kyushu.

The smoky and fantastic texture has the atmosphere of around Scotland. Autumn and winter items fit the feeling of his land.

Also,A look that makes it easier to see the clothesThe result is a work of art that is just as good as the other two. It is unpretentious, not overstretched, and just plain fashionable. It's not easy to achieve this look even if you wanted to.

As for production, the company is basically based in Japan and places importance on craftsmanship by hand. Just by looking at the pictures, it seems as if you can feel the warmth of the clothes.

HOUYHNHNM has always wanted to support such brands.



Official Site

Address: Higashi Bldg. 1F, 3-4-3 Kego, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka
Phone: 092-733-3997

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