Translated By DeepL

Damien Hirst's masterpiece, Spot Painting, is available for purchase!

Gly-Gly-Ala 2016 108mm x 865mm
Woodcut print on paper Woodcut ED 9/55
2,500,000 yen (incl. frame, excl. tax)

The other day we introduced the website "Anything artistic! The website "Anything Artistic!ARTRANDOM".

Since then, new content has been added little by little.This interview with Tsuyoshi NoguchiAnd it's small and funny. (The work with Larry Clark that comes up in the interview isThis article on HOUYHNHNM's(See the introduction in the following section.)

ARTRANDOM" has various contents inside, but the one introduced here is "ART FOR SALE," which was created with the full cooperation of a contemporary art gallery. As the name implies, the works featured here are only those that can be purchased.

This time it is a polka dot piece by the world's most popular contemporary artist, Damien Hirst. Polka dots are round shapes and a type of polka dot pattern.

Many artists have used polka dots in their works of art, but Damien Hirst has created "SPOT PAINTING," which is said to be "a work that depicts only the joy of color," with the polka dot itself as the main character.

This eponymous work by Damien Hirst will be sold at ARTRANDOM for a limited two-week period starting Monday, November 30, in cooperation with Tomio Koyama Gallery.

So, this is an exciting announcement even if you are not an art lover. This is a work of art that will surely increase in value in the future. If you are even a little bit curious about it, don't miss this opportunity.



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