Translated By DeepL

Monthly plans for Nui. produced by The Youth, starting at 30,000 yen for 31 nights.

The Youth" operates student residences and holds events for young people. Their mission is to "connect young people with the world.

We have created a number of places for exchange, where young people can come into contact with a variety of values. The next step in this direction was the establishment of theNui. HOSTEL & BAR LOUNGEMonthly plan in "Monthly Plan.

You can stay 31 nights in an 8-bed dormitory. The price is only 30,000 yen. The plan is for 18~30 years old, and students are of course welcome.

I believe that hotels are places where people of different nationalities and religions are staying, and I think that by interacting with them, you can broaden your horizons. It is also good for people who want to try living in Tokyo on a trial basis.

After 31 days, it is possible that your thoughts and values have changed.


The Youth

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