Translated By DeepL

What did COVID-19 have Yosuke Torii photograph? The Tokyo we wanted to see may be found in the 441 photo exhibition.

. the coronavirus remains rampant.

Various industries are facing difficult times, and the creators of these products are in the same boat. They are forced to question the significance of their works themselves, including their production methods, as they read and grasp the trends of the times.

Photographer who has mainly taken portrait photographs of people, including his first work "BO," which closely follows the band "BO NINGEN.Yosuke Torii. He was one of those who pondered what could be photographed in the Corona Disaster, where it has become difficult to take people as subjects.

The pictures he took after his search are so sad and fresh.

tokyo#004, 2020

tokyo#006, 2020

Torii said that his impression of Tokyo, which he had never liked very much, had changed. When he took off his contact lenses and looked at the world with his naked eyes, what he saw was a blurry view of the city.

A city where people's desires swirl around them , where the new replaces the old every day. . A city where people are busily moving in and out of a huge transportation network. Torii's photographs strip away such preconceptions of Tokyo and show us a new Tokyo. It is like seeing Tokyo from a foreigner's point of view.

Free from meaning and place, these highly abstract landscape photographs invite the viewer to discover where they take us. 441 is waiting for you.


Photo exhibition "Scéne

Venue: 441
Address: Mahal Omotesando Building 1F, 5-12-1 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Dates: Friday, January 15 - Saturday, January 23
Hours: 12:00-19:00 (12:00-18:00 on 23rd only)
*Reception Party: Friday, January 15, 18:00-21:00
Admission: Free

Yosuke Torii
Born in Aichi , 1979. Lives and works in Tokyo. In 2016, he released "BO," a collection of photographs of the London-based psychedelic rock band "BO NINGEN," a four-piece Japanese band that toured in the U.K., and closely followed their daily life and tours.
Official Site

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