Translated By DeepL

【 HOUYHNHNM's YouTube] Spice freak Naoki Kuze goes to 3 curries around Shimokita! What is violent spiciness?

Shimokitazawa is a town where various subcultures such as vintage clothing, theater, and music are rooted.

. It is also known as a mecca for curry. So this time, we visited three curry shops in the Shimokita area, navigated by Mr. Naoki Kuze, one of the most famous spice freaks in the fashion world.

The restaurants we were introduced to had a wide variety of dishes, including additive-free curry with broth, the oldest dish in Shimokita, and super-spicy beef and cheese keema. It was just too delicious!

The hard work continues, but now for a fascinating spy strip!

......By the way, who the hell is this Indian actor that Kuze looks like?

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