Translated By DeepL

What are Puebco's cultural activities? We will find out the true identity of the small museum suddenly established in Sangenjaya.

PUEBCO is located on the second floor of a small building just past Showa Women's University in the direction of Shibuya on Route 246 after exiting Sangenjaya Station. I am sure that many HOUYHNHNM's readers have seen such a scene.

On June 1, the Puebco Sangenjaya store was transformed into a space that conveys the brand's identity. The many products and fixtures are gone, and in their place are massive glass display cases. The space is like a small museum, if you will. What is now being held in such a place is not a sale of products, but the "B.C. PUEBCO Exhibition.

What is this special exhibition about?Hirotaka Tanaka, Representative Director. The exhibition is an attempt to let fans of the brand learn about the process that led to the products by presenting, one by one, with captions, the sources of the ideas that the company has discovered while traveling around the world. The items on display include a Chinese tablecloth in a kitschy package, an old set of paints, a miniature American rocket that was meant to be a candle, a nondescript plastic pill case, a piece of recording paper for a lie detector, and so on. . It is clear that Mr. Tanaka has shed light on things that have never seen the light of day before, and found value in them.

To be honest, the moment the author stepped into the renovated place, he did not know what was going on because the image of the former restaurant was still in his mind. However, staff members are stationed in the space next door, so if you have any questions, you may ask them. If your timing is right, you may be able to ask Mr. Tanaka directly.

Again, please note that we do not sell merchandise at this exhibition. This is just a place to let people know about Puebco's cultural activities.

It is not as if you are going to a big museum, but just drop in on a whim. After you have finished looking around, enjoy shopping at Puebco Mishuku, Puebco Shibuya Parco, or the online store, all of which are about a 10-minute walk from here. You may find that your view of this brand has changed.

The next exhibition will be called "SDGs by chance," and although we hear the word "SDGs" a lot these days, what does "by chance" mean? I am looking forward to seeing what kind of content will be presented at the next exhibition.


Puebko Sangenjaya

Dates: June 1 - to be determined
Hours: 11:00-19:00 (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
Admission: Free
Official Site
Instagram: @puebco_japan

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