Translated By DeepL

Gap and Kanye West plotting, YEEZY GAP round jackets, and global jackets. Available for pre-order ahead of time!

One step and you have an incident, a disturbing celebrity thing.Kanye WestHe is a firebrand in a variety of industries. He is a firebrand in many industries, but when it comes to fashion, he tends to create rather good chemistry.

Here's an example. 〈〈〈〈〈.GapThe brand will collaborate with Kanye West on a round jacket under the title "YEEZY GAP.

Kanye has a history of working at the Gap Store in Chicago when he was a teenager, and he has a passion for the brand. Information has been flying around even before the release, and it's already garnering a lot of attention, but let me reiterate that we'll be introducing you to the brand.


This jacket has a lovely chubby outline and almost no seams, making it more like an objet d'art than a garment. The material used is cotton poplin 100% with a matte rubber polyurethane coated surface. It comes in black and is priced at a whopping 26,000 yen. Amazing.

The first color of the Round Jacket, blue, went on sale on June 8, Kanye's birthday, on the official U.S. Gap website, and sold out in an instant. This long-awaited release in Japan is sure to attract access not only from Japan but also from around the world.

Special Siteis now accepting applications. This is the only opportunity to get your hands on a gem created by an unpredictable big bang.



Reservation Site
Shipping: Winter 2021 (planned)

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