Translated By DeepL

Two Everest ascents in six days. The book "Above the Clouds" by the greatest mountain athlete, Kilian Jornet, is now available.

Do you know Kilian Jornet?

Born and raised in the foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees, he ran around the mountains as if they were his playground from an early age, and when he competed in trail running races, he achieved a string of good results. . He is one of the superstars of the mountain sports world, having achieved numerous feats, including two ascents of Mount Everest in six days.

Kilian Jornet's book "Above the Clouds" (A&F) will be released.

While the challenge is centered on the fastest ascent and descent of Everest, you can feel the humanity of Kilian Jornet himself hidden behind his feat, from his upbringing and daily training to his approach to racing and his thoughts on nature, through his carefully written text.

As the demand for outdoor activities increases, now is the time to reflect on the beautiful landscapes created by the majestic mountains through the real words of the world's greatest mountain athletes.


To the Clouds": The path to the feat of climbing Everest twice in six days.

Author: Kilian Jornet
Translation: Shinya Iwasaki
248 pages, 4.6" x 4.5", price 2,530 yen (tax included)
isbn 978-4-909355-26-3 c0098
*Scheduled for publication August 12, 2021.

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