Translated By DeepL

FOCUS IT.] What is the true value of Brain Sleep that leads you to the best sleep? We talked to a person who has experienced it for a week.

One-third of a person's life is spent sleeping. I think everyone has heard this before.

However, no matter how important we know it is, the fact is that many people neglect sleep due to changes in lifestyle and work habits, the spread of smartphones, and other factors. Research shows that Japanese people sleep the least amount of time of all OECD member countries.

In these times, the key is not how much time we have to sleep, but how to improve the quality of sleep in the limited time we have.

So how on earth can we improve the quality of our sleep? The bedding product manufacturer BRAIN SLEEP knows the best solution. Founded by Seiji Nishino, author of the bestselling book "The Stanford Way: The Best Sleep," the brand offers a variety of bedding products based on cutting-edge sleep medicine with the mission of "the best sleep for the best life.

In this issue, we introduce Brain Sleep's sleep products and ask those who have actually tried Brain Sleep for a week how it feels to use it.

Four divine tools to help you get the best sleep

No.1. Pillow to put the brain to sleep

Brain Sleep Pillow ¥33,000

For a good night's sleep, it is essential to keep the brain firmly asleep during the first 90 minutes of sleep, when 70 to 80% of growth hormones are released. The "Brain Sleep Pillow," the brand's flagship product, has various hidden mechanisms to make the Cinderella time of sleep even better. The three main functions are as follows


It is believed that a decrease in deep body temperature (temperature of the brain and internal organs) is important for deep sleep. The Brain Sleep Pillow uses a proprietary material called "Air Loop," which combines elastic tubular fibers in a three-dimensional structure to achieve unparalleled air permeability. Every time you turn over in bed, heat and moisture are released to promote the lowering of deep body temperature.


The "Brain Sleep Pillow" has a three-layer structure, from the top when viewed from the side: an adjusting layer that gently cradles the head, a support layer that firmly supports the head and cervical spine, and a base layer that maintains its shape even when the pillow is turned over. By adjusting the firmness of each layer, an ideal balance of suppleness and resilience is achieved.

It is also important to note that the sides of the pillow are slightly firmer, while the center portion is softer to allow the neck to sink in easily. This provides a variety of benefits, including support for turning over in sleep and prevention of stiff neck and shoulders.


The ease of care is another attraction of the Brain Sleep Pillow. It can be washed in cold water and left in a well-ventilated place for 15 minutes. When the pillow becomes worn out, it can be restored to its plumpness by simply running hot water over it at 45 degrees Celsius.

Mite breeding is an unavoidable problem when pillows are used for long periods of time, but as shown in the figure above, the Brain Sleep Pillow creates an environment that is more difficult for mites to breed than feather pillows, due in part to its breathability and easy washing.

No2. Mattress that reproduces a zero-gravity space

Brain sleep mattress ¥88,000

Mattresses are also packed with features to help you sleep comfortably.

One of them is "Float Technology," which supports the legs, shoulders, and hips. While most mattresses have a flat structure, the "Brain Sleep Mattress" is designed to be one step higher at the feet, enabling the user to sleep in the "neutral posture," which is the least stressful position for the body, as humans naturally take in a zero-gravity space. This improves the circulation of blood in the legs during sleep and promotes the elimination of swelling and fatigue.

The mechanism that enables sound sleep is also found in the material. The unique structure of "green fiber," an original material with excellent elasticity, is woven into the mattress to ensure breathability that sets it apart from others. This helps lower deep body temperature.

The mattress is designed with a hard floor surface to maximize performance regardless of where it is placed. The mattress can be laid directly on the floor, or it can be placed on top of your existing mattress. It can be folded in three, so it can be stored when not in use, saving space.

No3. Comforter that does not disturb sleep

Brain Sleep Comforter ¥66,000

The more warmth a comforter provides, the heavier it becomes and the more difficult it is to care for. However, Brain Sleep's Comforter is made of a material that bio-mimics the characteristics of the Daedalus duck, which is said to be the best down species, and is so light that you may forget you are wearing it, while providing natural warmth that does not disturb your sleep. It is also a great point that it can be washed at home because of its high quick-drying and shape-holding ability.

No4. Pillow mist that gives the feeling of forest bathing

DEEP FOREST (50ml) ¥3,080

If you want to get a good night's sleep, you should even pay attention to your scent. Spraying woody-scented aroma mist on pillows and mattresses will make you feel as if you are taking a forest bath and will lull you into a deep sleep. In addition, it also has a disinfecting effect, so you can keep your bedding clean and fresh.

The story of that person who tried Brain Sleep for a week.


autumn silkworms
Singer-songwriter, owner of Sono Tori

Born in Osaka, age 34. He is a singer-songwriter, guest vocalist for the pop unit Sugar's Campaign, and sings in various corporate commercial inserts, etc. He also has a side as the owner of the oden restaurant "Sono Tori" in Shibuya, which opened in 2018.

Akio-san, are you particular about your bedding?

I am a singer-songwriter and an oden shop owner by myself, so I basically don't spend much time at home. My home is just a place to take a bath and sleep, so I try to keep things simple.

Akio, you lead a very busy life. How much sleep do you usually get?

I work at a restaurant until night, so I basically go to bed after 3:00 and wake up at 10:00.

You often go to bed late at night.

I often wake up the next day feeling groggy, or take a nap during the day because I feel sleepy.

Akio-san, we asked you to try four Brain Sleep products for a week. Is there anything in particular that you liked?

All of them were great, but I especially like the pillow. I use the HIGH size pillow, and I like the height, firmness, and the way it fits my neck and shoulders. I have stiff shoulders, but when I use this pillow, I don't feel any pain when I toss and turn.

Mattresses are also packed with features that help you get a good night's sleep.

I had never used a hard mattress before, but I was surprised to find that it was more comfortable than I had imagined. I was worried at first that I might not get used to the unique shape of the mattress, which is slightly elevated at the foot, but after actually using it, I found that I could sleep in a relaxed position.

How was the quilt?

The quilt is so light that you don't feel its weight, but I was amazed at how warm it is. The warmth of the comforter is so exquisite that it can be used alone in winter, and conversely, it is also good to use in summer. If it can be used in all seasons, there is no need to change futons every season.

What do you think about the ease of care, being able to wash them in water at home?

Since I am over 30 years old, I have become quite concerned about the smell of my bedding, so it is very helpful that I can wash my pillow and mattress in its entirety, and that it dries quickly because it is breathable. I usually try to wash my bedding at least once a week, but it is a hassle. With Brain Sleep, I can take care of it more easily.

Brain Sleep also offers a pillow mist that can deodorize and relax by simply spraying it on.

The website says it gives you the feeling of forest bathing, and when I use this on my pillow and mattress, I really do feel that relaxed. And if it also deodorizes, I have no complaints.



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