Translated By DeepL

Vivid colors are now available in easy pants for all ages, genders, and body types. Lee welcomes you even if you are lazy during the year-end and New Year's holidays.

Lee's "FLEEASY" easy pants, which were released this spring, advocate "regardless of age, gender, or body shape. The new line wears bright colors.

FLeeasy ¥7,920 each

The same XS to XXL range, covering waists from 66 to 91 cm, is used, this time in vivid colors such as red, yellow, and pink, creating a mood reminiscent of the 80's.

On the official website of "Lee", six models with different professions and styles are featured.snapshot (esp. of people)is available to the public.

I thought colored pants would be difficult to match, but looking at them like this, they seem surprisingly easy to try.

The price is also reasonable, so it would be nice to stock not just one color, but two or three. You can also share them with your friends, family, or partner.

The year-end and New Year holidays are always accompanied by binge eating and drinking. With pants that are this comfortable, you can relax without worrying about a slight weight gain.



On sale: December 13 (Monday)
Lee Official Online Shop
Lee SHOP stores
WEB site
Instagram: @leejeansjp

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