Translated By DeepL

The beginning of a new culture . Report on the first event at Fukuoka's new landmark, the Kaitak Square Garden.

The first event since its opening will be held at CAITAC SQUARE GARDEN, the largest complex in the Fukuoka/Tenjin area, from December 18 to 25, 2021.

The main content of this event is "KISS, FUKUOKA", realized in collaboration with "KISS, TOKYO". The event was designed to express the feelings of love for people and pride in Fukuoka by touching "KISS, FUKUOKA," and to convey a sense of welcome to visitors to the "Kaitak Square Garden," and included a photo booth, item sales, workshops, and more, Various events were held, including photo booths, item sales, and workshops. Here we introduce some of the events that took place.

A courtyard space where people naturally gather.

First, the "KISS, FUKUOKA PHOTO BOOTH" is located in the courtyard space on the first floor. This neon-lit icon of the event sat in the center of the venue, visible from every corner of the four-story atrium of the "Kaitak Square Garden," and its presence was outstanding. It was a "cool spot" for visitors to enjoy.

In front of the KISS, FUKUOKA PHOTO BOOTH, also in the first floor courtyard space, "THE CHARLIE TOKYO," a vintage clothing shop in Daitabashi Station, Tokyo, held a workshop where visitors could customize their own silk screens from existing designs on T-shirts, jackets, and other items to suit their tastes. This was a rare opportunity to customize silk screens on T-shirts, jackets, etc., to your own taste, and many people lined up to try it out.

A store with a continuous relationship with people.

Kaitak Square Garden" faces Kokutai-dori Avenue . The stroke leading from the street to the main entrance features the "KISS, FUKUOKA SHOP," which is divided into Wings A, B, and C. There is a "GOODS SHOP" that sells original T-shirts and sweatshirts, a "DRINK BAR" that serves coffee from the "Cafe Sake Shop" operated by SWITCHH, LLC, and a "CUBASAND SHOP" that serves Cuban sandwiches. Park" operated by SWITCHH, and a "CUBASAND SHOP" that serves Cuban sandwiches, a Cuban specialty. The iconic "KISS, FUKUOKA" logo was also very powerful here, attracting many visitors who stopped to take a look inside the stores.

A place to meet new writers.

Whask is an inorganic space visible on the left side of the escalator from the first floor. This place is said to be the largest event space in Kyushu. For the first edition of "Meet the Art," a place to meet new artists, we held a joint exhibition of young artists from Fukuoka. With Yonehara Yasumasa (+DA.YO.NE.), aka Yone-chan, an active editor and artist, as advisor, and in collaboration with the "WEGO After School Art Club," which supports the younger generation interested in art and aims to support new subcultures, works by artists from a variety of genres The exhibition featured works by artists from a variety of genres. In recent years, young artists from Fukuoka such as KYNE, NONCHELEEE, and Ogata Kazuma have been attracting attention, and it is likely to become a hot spot where new artists will be discovered and spread their wings to the world.

Fukuoka's hidden potential.

Left: Mr. Takumi Yoshida, representative of Seven Sense Co. Right: Mr. Tetsuya Chihara, representative of Lemon Life.

Finally, we interviewed the two people behind the project. Mr. Takumi Yoshida, who has been involved in this project since the preparatory stages of the opening of the "Kaitak Square Garden" itself, has his own office on the fourth floor of the main building, and is responsible for the planning and operation of the aforementioned "Whask" project. Tetsuya Chihara, the creator of "KISS, TOKYO" and the representative of "Lemon Life," who has been involved in many instantly recognizable art direction projects. We asked each of them about their thoughts on this event. Let's start with Mr. Yoshida.

An area where a new culture is born.

. How did you become involved in the "CITAC SQUARE GARDEN" project?

Yoshida: It all started when I met Mr. Nakahara of the Kaitak Group, who is the general manager of "Kaitak Square Garden. Mr. Nakahara was looking for tenants for this commercial facility, and I made several proposals to him. At that time, the land was still in its raw state and the foundation work was just about to begin. I have been involved in this project ever since.

What is your role in "CITAC SQUARE GARDEN"?

Yoshida: We created the event space "Whask" on the second floor of "Kaitak Square Garden". As well as "Meet the Art," a place to meet new artists, which we have planned this time, Seven Sense Co., Ltd. of which I am the representative, will plan, operate, and manage the space.

What kind of space is "Whask"?

Yoshida:I have done event-related work overseas and in major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, and one thing that Fukuoka has that others do not is an event space of this scale. I have often felt that we have missed opportunities to raise the potential of the city of Fukuoka , so I believe that the presence of Whask will be of great importance to the city. In recent years, artists from Fukuoka have attracted a lot of attention, and we hope to follow suit and discover new artists of expression.

What is the reason why you are based in Fukuoka?

Yoshida:One reason is that I have lived in Fukuoka all my life and it is easy to move around, but objectively speaking, Fukuoka is a compact and functional city, and its proximity to Asia is one of its main attractions. . I think it is important for me, as well as my team and staff, to be in a good environment.

How do you see the world after Corona?

Yoshida:There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a completely unpredictable situation, and that various values and lifestyle changes will occur. On the other hand, I feel that after measures are taken to deal with this virus, there will be more and more potential and possibilities for "real" things.

How was your first event at "CITAC SQUARE GARDEN" , frankly speaking?

Yoshida:Real events are great. Of course, we have to take precautions against infection, but when people gather in one place like this, it creates a temperature of communication, which in turn creates an opportunity to create something new. I think it is great that this area, including the neighboring Ron Herman, is located just a little off the center of Fukuoka Tenjin. Being a little off the center , on the contrary, has the potential to give birth to a new culture. In the future, through "Whask," we plan to not only provide a high level of live broadcasting, but also set up events where there is more space for people and their minds, and where customers themselves can participate and experience even more than this time. Please look forward to it.

KISS" is a universal language. That's why I made it a symbol.

What is the "KISS, TOKYO" project all about?

Chihara:The "KISS, TOKYO" project was launched four or five years ago. . It started as a logo project inspired by the "I ♥ NY" souvenirs that symbolize New York City. We hoped that the logo would eventually become a symbol of Tokyo, and that items bearing the "KISS, TOKYO" logo would become a standard "KISS, TOKYO" souvenir. Although it did not come to fruition as a result, if the Tokyo Olympics had been held for spectators and many people from overseas had come to Tokyo, the "KISS, TOKYO" logo might have become more widespread. . Nowadays, I don't think fashion needs to be mass. Smaller and smaller cultures are being born, and various combinations are possible. I hope that "KISS, TOKYO" can be a catalyst for this.

KISS, FUKUOKA" is a continuation of this trend. How did this come about?

Chihara:KISS, if you will, is like a universal language. It is perfect not only for wearing and using by yourself, but also for giving as a gift to your loved ones as an expression of love and encouragement. The concept of "KISS, TOKYO" remains the same: from Tokyo to the world. In addition, considering the current Corona disaster, we felt that we needed to make Japan as a whole more exciting. So, Takumi approached me at the right time and we decided to do "KISS, FUKUOKA". I think it would be great if this mark eventually became license-free and spread on its own like "KISS, 00".

From your point of view, what do you find attractive about Fukuoka?

Chihara:My office is located in Shibuya. While there is a good thing that the area has been redeveloped and new spots have been created in the past few years, there is also a surprisingly downtown-like area in Shibuya. I sometimes think of the Namiki-bashi Bridge area as a "countryside scene. . If you look to the right, you see a big city with buildings, but if you look to the left, you see an old residential area. The contrast between the two makes me feel both "relieved" and "elated. Here in Fukuoka, especially in the Tenjin area, I feel the same atmosphere. There are no skyscrapers, but I feel that the city is evolving slowly, but without stopping, in a way that fits the city's climate. This sense of speed may be unique to Fukuoka. . I think that is what makes it unique and attractive.

The real event was held in Tokyo. How do you frankly feel about it?

Chihara:This initiative is a co-creation with the potential that the city of FUKUOKA has. Not only things, but also customs, ways of thinking, and stories will be connected to the future. I believe that the weaver of the story is not only the creator, but also the person who wears it. . That is why we want more and more people to pick up our products and feel them. I hope we can continue to move forward together with FUKUOKA, believing in the power of art and fashion.

Culture budding.

With the Corona disaster, all companies have adopted remote work. Online sales are also increasing rapidly. While we understand and accept that many things are being done through the Internet, somewhere in the back of our minds we wonder, "Is this really the right thing to do?" But somewhere in the back of my mind, I still have the question, "Is that really enough? . There is a feeling of wanting something "real" and wondering if we can come up with something like that. . I want to create a real place, a real situation, even if it is limited, while maintaining a good social distance. . Rather, I think such stores and services are sought after as "experiences".

At a time when the nature and importance of events is changing dramatically, the Kaitak Square Garden event was a very worthwhile one. Let's wait for the second edition, which will be even more updated.

Text_Jun Nakada



Address: 1-15-38 Kego, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Official Site

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