Translated By DeepL

Denim as an Education: Vintage Values as Discovered by the Japanese" by Belvergin Fujiwara, a man who devotes his life to denim and his love of vintage denim.

One of the icons of the vintage scene in Japan is probably Fujihara Yutaka, director of "Berberzine. Recently, he has been utilizing the knowledge he has accumulated at the forefront of the vintage clothing industry, collaborating with popular brands, distributing his work on YouTube, and writing a series of articles for the media.

On Friday, April 1, his third book on denim, "Denim as Education: Vintage Values as Discovered by the Japanese," will be released.

Denim as Culture: Vintage Values as Discovered by the Japanese" Author: Fujihara Yutaka 1,760 yen

The price of vintage denim has skyrocketed in the past few years, with prices several times higher than they were four or five years ago, and first thongs, which were not even considered in the heyday of the vintage boom, now fetch outrageous prices. It is not unusual for vintage denim to fetch over 10 million yen.

This book delves into the background of the ever-increasing vintage denim boom and explains it from various angles.

. 208 all-color pages consisting of six chapters. As mentioned above, the book boasts substantial contents, but the most eye-catching chapter is the "Talk with Denim Lovers from Various Fields" in Chapter 6. The interesting participants include Takashi Imaichi (the third generation J SOUL BROTHERS from EXILE TRIBE), Takashi "Poggy" Komomo, Yosuke Ohtsubo, Y⾹⾥⾥, and others, a gorgeous lineup made possible by Mr. Fujiwara. The passionate vintage denim talk by each of them is a must-see, even for fans of the brand.

Of course, the book is full of photos of the actual items. With this one book, you can learn all about vintage denim and even enjoy a maniacal talk about it. It's just like, "Oh my God, this book will make you a denim maniac! If you read this book, you will become a denim maniac.

The most attractive thing about vintage denim is its powerful appearance and color fading, but the interesting thing about vintage denim is that it becomes even more comprehensible as you learn more about it. Please take "Denim as an Education" as your first step into the dopey world!


Denim as Culture: Vintage Values as Discovered by the Japanese.

Author: Fujihara Yutaka
Launch: April 1, 2022 (Friday)
List price: 1,760 yen (1,600 yen + tax)
Specifications: 4.6 x 4.6 format / 208 pages / all color
isbn: 978-4-04-897188-1
Issued by KADOKAWA Co.

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