Translated By DeepL

A good relationship built with a gift. dōzo offers a quick and sophisticated way to show your filial piety.

Not too heavy, not too obtrusive, but nice to receive... . . A small gift is a test of the giver's sense of style. It takes a lot of patience to think about the recipient, search for a genre that is close to the recipient's interests, and look at products one by one that might appeal to the recipient.

On Monday, April 25, a social gift service called "dōzo" will launch to take care of all of this for you.

The recipient chooses from more than 80 gift themes based on the recipient's personality and the message they wish to convey to the recipient. Each theme has five products, and the recipient can choose any one of them.

You can choose from over 80 sharp themes to give to your recipient. The number of themes will increase to 100 in the future.

Even if you know something that a person likes, it is difficult to get hold of it, considering the possibility that he/she may already have it. With dōTERRA, you can rest assured that you are giving the right gift for the right person, but at the end of the day, he or she can choose what he or she wants. If you have some idea of the person's tastes and lifestyle, you can be sure to give a gift that will not miss the mark.

There is also a beer theme just right for alcohol lovers.

There are two ways to give. You can either give it quickly on your phone or hand-deliver it in person , either way is acceptable.

The recipient simply selects the product and enters the recipient's address, and the gift can be exchanged without knowing each other's addresses.

The beauty of dōTERRA also lies in its price range.

Small social gift services such as a cup of coffee for a 500 yen ticket are common these days, but services priced from 3,000 to 10,000 yen are surprisingly rare elsewhere.

It is convenient and easy to send a message, but is it too tasteless just to send it from a smartphone? No, don't worry, 51 illustrators have drawn illustrations for each theme, and they serve as a message card on the screen.

Well, have you noticed that Mother's Day and Father's Day are coming up soon? If it's too difficult for you to go home to your parents' house, HOUYHNHNM's recommends that you do so.

A gorgeous bouquet of flowers or a delicious cake? No, no, actually, it's the little things that make us happy, like a little extra quality in our daily lives. How about a nice pillow or pot?

. People want to enjoy the greenery in their homes when they can't go outside. It seems that more and more people are in such a mood. A flower vase will make it much easier to welcome plants.

The things that we buy cheaply and say, "I'll just buy 100 yen" are the keys to a better quality of life. 3,000 yen ice cream spoon, do you have one? ⁉︎

After a hard day's work, this is what you need. Not only sparkling wine and dry foods, but also good drinks and snacks once in a while.

In these days when it is difficult to meet people easily, "dōzo" is a very nice choice for a gift that can be given without a meeting. Let's build a good relationship with a good gift.



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