Translated By DeepL

Uniik, an app that brings together fashion lovers with a high sense of style, held fashion snapshot events in four cities!

Uniik, a community app for fashion lovers with a keen sense of style, held the "Uniik FASHION SNAP" fashion snapshot event on Cat Street in Harajuku, Tokyo, in February this year. Starting in Tokyo, the event traveled to Fukuoka, Nagoya, and Osaka in April.

In this issue, we would like to introduce you to the Uniik FASHION SNAP.

The first event, held in Tokyo, attracted a large number of fashion lovers, and even popular YouTuber Sowanwan made an appearance as a guest.

The photo booth was set up with a flower wall of fresh flowers and a backdrop featuring the event logo, creating a photo-worthy space. Visitors who received their photo data on the spot voiced their appreciation for this rare opportunity to have their photos taken by a professional photographer.

In Fukuoka, the first of the regional events, a magazine cover-style wall with the "Uniik" logo was prepared, creating an extraordinary space that was different from that of Tokyo. The precious experience of feeling as if one were a model on the cover of a magazine must have been an exciting one for the general public.

A social event was also held for "Unique" users who came to the venue. The event was a real event, where people with the same interests and tastes could get together and talk about fashion in a heated atmosphere.

In Nagoya, the second regional event, the event space in the middle of the Nagoya station, a busy area, was hijacked. A flower wall and a wall with the event logo were set up at the photo booth as a connection to the Tokyo event.

Not only those who came for the event, but also many people on the street paid attention to it because of its location in the station.

The Osaka event, which concluded the main event, featured a jungle wall themed around the relaxing mood of nature and a LOVE wall that appealed to the current era, creating a space that made people forget the hustle and bustle of the city.

As in Fukuoka, many users participated in the social event. Many users seemed to enjoy the event in their own way, playing mini games or deepening their friendship over a cup of sweets.

Fashion lovers will be waiting with baited breath for further news as "Unique" plans to plan and hold more events, including snap events, to promote the Japanese fashion industry.



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