Translated By DeepL

Making the world of fashion environmentally friendly. R.E. and Asako Iwamizu sublimated clothes that should have been thrown away into art.

Items that have been left out of fashion, worn out and no longer needed.

HARE's sub-line "re" focuses on "clothes" that have been left behind in the past, and reincarnates them as new products.

We have proposed various products in the past, but this time we focus on scraps and waste materials used in past "R-E" projects. We created a collaborative artwork with artist Asako Iwamizu.

Ms. Iwamizu is an artist who proactively uses old clothes and scrap wood to create her works. This collaboration started when "R.E." was impressed by her attitude.

re×ASAKO IWAMIZU ¥13,200-¥217,800

Inspired by the traditional technique of Mokumegome dolls, Iwamizu created Kimekomi Art. He creates a piece of artwork by carving striations in scrap styrofoam and then embedding pieces of scrap clothing into the carved striations.

In collaboration with "R.E.," we designed a floral motif reminiscent of contemporary Japonism, making full use of scraps and scrap wood used at "R.E."

All pieces are one-of-a-kind, with different patterns, prices, and sizes. Find your favorite that fits your lifestyle.

T-shirt ¥12,100 each

Short-sleeved shirt ¥12,100 each

The patterns used in the works are incorporated into samples that are no longer needed, and original apparel is also produced. These are items that can only be purchased here, infusing new value into things that should have been discarded.

To celebrate the launch on June 16 (Thu.), Iwamizu's Kimekomi art will be exhibited along with the collaborative works at the flagship store "HARE.JP," so be sure to visit the store.



Phone: 0120-601-162
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