Translated By DeepL

How about Sabae-made French vintage? At this price, Jugard Fourteen is a promising new star in sunglasses.

HORIZON CLEAR clear / dark green lens ¥8,800 each

What criteria do you, the picky person, have in mind when choosing eyewear?

When I focus on fashion items, I am always drawn to history. Tetsuya Okada of "Globespecs" has had a great influence on me, and nowadays, French vintage items are attracting my attention.

When practicality is essential, we look to the place of production. In the case of eyewear, the city of Sabae is considered to have particularly high technology. This is why we are attracted to Japan-made eyewear with a solid quality and solidity.

The downside to both is that they are a bit pricey....

Recently found.[Joon] jugaad14.The sunglasses of the "Mere Old Man" were a good example of all of them.

This brand, known to those in the know, has recently launched its second modelHORIZONhas just come out. It's the first year for this shiny new eyewear brand. And yet, it grabs our hearts and minds in a frightening way.

HORIZON CLEAR grey/dark green lens

First of all, you have this look. Horizon" is a frame based on French vintage from the 50s and 60s. It is called "Vintage Crown Pant Shape" and has two corners on the top just like a crown. It is not too much to say that the recent boom started from this frame.

The rim, with its intersecting curves and straight lines, is reminiscent of the horizon from which the sun rises. The mood is reminiscent of the dancing dawn of summer. It is not too heavy nor too old, but well reconstructed in a modern style. Unlike genuine vintage models, the frames are available in 7 colors, while the lenses are available in 3 colors, for a total of 21 colors to choose from.

Don't be surprised by this look, it is made in Japan. And since they are made in Sabae, the shock is even greater. The nose pads are slightly higher than usual to prevent misalignment, based on a thorough study of the Japanese facial structure.

The modern, which is the tip of the temples, is elastic so that it is not too tight, and is lightweight at 23-24g for a stress-free wearing comfort. The width of the bridge is generous, so it fits Japanese people's nose and eyes perfectly.

It is a very fine handwork. It would be difficult to achieve this level of quality with a foreign-made product. It is very difficult to imitate this quality for less than 10,000 yen. The regular lens is also reasonably priced at 8,800 yen.polarized light-diffusing lensThe price is the same, 8,800 yen.... It is unbelievable, out of standard.

This alone is well worth getting, but here is another miracle of Jugard Fourteen's secret efforts.

Juguard for Teen" is a brand that actually stands for "ethicality. What is unique about this brand is that no metals are used in any of its products. The brand uses only materials that are environmentally conscious, and is committed to manufacturing products that are appropriate for this SDGs era.

The lenses and frames are made of biopolymer, which biodegrades into carbon dioxide, water, and biomass at the time of disposal, so they can be taken out with regular household waste. The patterns on the surface of the temples and the back of the frames are also made with an impregnation process that does not use ink. The packaging, of course, is also made entirely from recycled materials.

The design, quality, and price are perfect. I am very impressed.

From left, OCEAN CLEAR green / light brown lensOCEAN CLEAR green / light blue lens each ¥8,800

Incidentally, the first model that received a good reputationOCEAN.The new colors, yellow and green, are also now available. They also have a nice taste.

Sunglasses are still a must after this. In fact, you may even switch to "Jugard Fourteen". See with your own eyes the beautiful combination of vintage atmosphere and craftsmanship.



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