Translated By DeepL

SAYHELLO" for children. It starts with the perfection that adults desire.

SAYHELLO" is a Tokyo-based graphic label that was born in 2012 and has gained popularity for its pop graphics and witty designs that incorporate the mood of the times. SAYHELLO LITTLE BROTHER", a new line for kids, will be launched from "SAYHELLO".

The collection is based on the same universal items as the previous collections, and the design taste maintains the same stance. While inheriting the brand's philosophy, the lineup includes graphical children's items that children will enjoy and adults will covet, and that are unique to "Sei Hello.

Furthermore, a pop-up market will be held in Harajuku, Tokyo, to unveil the product. Kids' staff will be on standby at the store, workshops will be held, lemonade stands will appear, and many other gadgets will be available!

By the way, the official online store will start selling the products on August 28 (Sun.) at 10:00 p.m. . To see the finished product, why not visit the pop-up first?



Official Site

"say hello little brother-pop up market".
Date: August 27 (Sat) / work shop 15:00-18:00
August 28 (Sun) / lemonade stand 13:00-17:00
Address: 1F, 6-16 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3400-1430

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