Translated By DeepL

Works that make everyone who sees them smile. The first solo exhibition in a year by noted artist Hikaru Matsubara will be held at the gallery.

Do you know the artist Hikaru Matsubara?

Is that cloud an ice cream cone? Does that trash can look like a surprised person? Pareidolia (a psychological phenomenon in which a person's face or other shapes appear when gazing at something in a hazy way) is the motif of his humorous works with graphical shapes and simple lines, which attract attention regardless of the viewer.

Presented here is his first solo exhibition in a year. The title of the exhibition is "if.

This time, the artist expresses how a single "if" choice, such as "what if I do this, or combine that with that...," has a significant impact on the subsequent development of the work. This new abstract expression, which was arrived at through trial and error, has taken on a new form.

Two workshops will be held at the same time, the first of which will be offered to the first 20 people who purchase a piece of artwork at the exhibition. In this special workshop, Matsubara will draw an impromptu illustration on a Lacoste polo shirt, and the finished polo shirt will be given away as a gift to participants.

In PART 2, Ms. Matsubara will draw a portrait of Smile and her favorite things on a postcard-sized card, and this will be accepted on the day of the event, on a first-come, first-served basis.

The solo exhibition held in Fukuoka this August will come to Tokyo. Take this opportunity to be healed by experiencing Matsubara's art.


Hikaru Matsubara
Solo Exhibition "if

Dates: September 22 (Thursday) - October 2 (Sunday)
Time: 13:00-19:00
Venue: Studio 4N west
Address: 3F Avenue Side Daikanyama, 2-1 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


Dates: Thursday, September 22 - Saturday, September 24, 13:00-18:00
Conditions of participation: Purchasers of artworks
Number of participants: 20 on a first-come, first-served basis


Date: Sunday, September 25, 13:00-16:00
Cost: ¥3,300 (per person)

Hikaru Matsubara


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