Translated By DeepL

Two viewpoints found in Berlin, Tokyo, and Sapporo. The exhibition by photographer Yuki Aizawa and editor Kimiyoshi Tomite will travel to C7C in Nagoya.

When you stay in one place for a long time, it is easy to become spoiled by the comfort of that place. At Corona Disaster, there is one person who resisted that temptation and chose to gain a new experience.

The two photographers are Yuki Aizawa, a Tokyo-based photographer, and Kimiyoshi Tomite, a Berlin-based editor/writer. After working at "ie" in Hokkaido and "Great books" in Tokyo, the exhibition "'Reminiscence/Reminiscence Record' VACANCE/VACANCY" will open at "C7C gallery and shop" in Nagoya on October 21 (Fri.). The exhibition will open on October 21 (Fri.) at "C7C gallery and shop" in Nagoya.

It all started in August 2021. Mr. Aizawa visited Berlin, where Ms. Tomite lives, for about two weeks. The two of them worked together to compile the photos they took and write an essay about their reunion and their feelings in the tabloid "VACANCE/VACANCY #01 Berlin," which was released at the "TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR" that year and sold out.

A sequel, "VACANCE/VACANCY #02 Tokyo/Sapporo," produced during his stay in Sapporo from the end of the same year to the end of January of the following year, has been released and is now on sale. At the Nagoya venue, the exhibition will be composed of notes and photographs that look back on the work from the perspective of the present, as the Corona disaster is coming to an end.

VACANCE/VACANCY #02 Tokyo Sapporo" (¥2,750), a tote bag (¥2,800), a parka (¥8,000), and a sweatshirt (¥7,500) will be on sale during the exhibition. A talk event is scheduled to be held on the 22nd. For more information on the tabloid, please check out the following website.

In 2021, Yuki Aizawa, a photographer, came to Berlin for a 16-day escape from Tokyo in the summer of 2021, a city in the aftermath of the Corona disaster and the Olympic Games, and Kimika Tomite, an editor, who had lost a fresh sense of the city after living in Berlin, Germany, for over a year. After more than a year of reunion, they travel back and forth between Tokyo and Berlin, unable to travel back and forth so easily due to the long lockdown and the declaration of a state of emergency, borrowing from each other's perspectives and going through the city and their emotions. Aizawa is overwhelmed by the people of Berlin who are enjoying the summer as if nothing had happened. Tomite, inspired by Aizawa, has regained a fresh perspective. He followed Aizawa's back with photographs he borrowed from him, and compiled a bilingual essay, "A Vacant Season To Run Away. As if reexamining the movements of their hearts, urban researcher Katao Tanaka designed the tabloid pages with fragments of their thoughts and emotional swings from the two perspectives of a traveler and a consumer in the city of Berlin. . The book is already sold out, although it is being rolled out not only in Berlin bookstores but also in Japan. The title "Vacance" and "Vacancy )" are derived from the same root word, and are a positive turn and interpretation of the irony of the inextricable mood of the Corona pandemic era." Currently available in the Berlin bookstores "Do You Read Me?!" and Motto books in Berlin.

VACANCE/VACANCY #02 Tokyo/Sapporo
October , 2021. Tomite's diary and photographs of his thoughts and feelings during his three-month stay in Tokyo, and Tokyo-based Aizawa's photographs of Tokyo taken after his return from Berlin. Then, just before the outbreak of the coronae micronis strain, Tomite spent a full month in Sapporo from before Christmas in December to January. This book is a compilation of writings taken and written during that period. The Berlin volume was completed by weaving together Tomite's fresh perspective as a traveler with Aizawa's as a sei-katsu-sha. In the Tokyo volume, the perspectives of "sei-katsu-sha" and "sojourners" intersected, and in the Sapporo volume, for the first time both of them were based in Sapporo as "travelers" to fully experience the cultural depths of the vast land of Hokkaido in the limited time available to them. Inner Journey" is a book designed from the point of view of Katao Tanaka, a researcher of culture with a focus on cities and music, which reflects the fluctuating emotions of the "extraordinary/ordinary" world.


"Reminiscence" VACANCE/VACANCY

Dates: October 21 (Friday) - November 6 (Sunday)
Location: C7C gallery and shop
Address: 2F, 2-13-21 Chikusa, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
(Time: 13:00-18:00 (extended only on ( event days)
Admission: Free
Closed: Tuesdays , Thursdays

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