Translated By DeepL

A melting pot of art, pervaded by a power and energy that cannot be verbalized. An anarchic event will start in Nihonbashi.

It seems as if interesting things and interesting stores are springing up one after another on the east side of Tokyo these days. Is it my imagination?

In Nihonbashi, something called "NACC/Nihonbashi Anarchy Cultural Center" is starting this fall for a limited period of about a year. The statement is really small and poignant.

Art, music, architecture, film, photography, fashion, et cetera, and various other "places" for self-expression.
We are "Preserving culture . We don't say snappy words like, "Preserve culture . . We don't say crisp words like
Instead, we want unobtainable heat and passion.

This event is run by "Sosu Inc." led by Yasuhiro Mihara. Naturally, it has its own peculiarities, and the Vol. 2 exhibition will be held from the end of this month.

This year's exhibition will feature a total of 14 artists, including "Muimina no da," a special exhibition that crosses titles, genres of expression, and media, curated by Shigeo Goto (G/P+abp). For more information.this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)Please check with the

Please come and feel the unknowable heat at the site.


NACC / Nihonbashi Anarchy Cultural Center VOL.2

Period: October 29 (Thursday), 2011 - December 8 (Thursday), 2011
Address: 1F 162 Nihonbashi Muromachi Building, 1-6-2 Nihonbashi Muromachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Open: 10:00-19:00 on weekdays, 10:00-20:00 on weekends and holidays
(Open all day during the exhibition period (, please contact us for details)
Admission: Free
Phone: 03-6262-3862
Official Site

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