Dusty, we are finally jumping out of the spice and into the outdoors! It is a collaboration with Bearbrick and Santa Cruz one after another.

Outdoor spice "HORINOSHI" has recently collaborated with a major convenience store chain "LAWSON" and has become a national brand. Since its debut, it has continued to make great strides. We were waiting to see what aspect of Outdoor Spice would be shown next... and unexpectedly, this time the collaborations were in fashion and art, two genres we did not expect.

First, let's start with BE@RBRICK. This is a collaboration with a digital bear that is highly regarded as a contemporary work of art among the well-known "Medicom Toy" figurines.

The set will include "Bearbrick 100%," which has the logo of "Horinishi" printed all over its body, and "Horinishi," which has an original label with a hologram that reveals and hides the "Bearbrick.

BE@RBRICK100% Set ¥3,500

The large "Bearbrick 400%" is also sold individually.

BE@RBRICK400% 14,364 yen

Just leave it at home or take it camping, and you're guaranteed to make campers say, "Oh, yeah? I can assure you that campers will say, "Hey!

Another collaboration is with the fashion brand SANTA CRUZ. Jim Phillips' famous "Screaming Hand" caught the "HORINI-SHI" and the design team of "SANTA CRUZ" created a special graphic. A special graphic by the design team of SANTA CRUZ was created.

The collaboration will feature an original limited edition T-shirt featuring this graphic, the collaboration label "HORINISHI," and an outdoor apron with the "Santa Cruz" logo, all in a luxurious set that comes in an original limited edition tool box.

Orange special order tool box set ¥17,600

The Santa Cruz collaboration will go on sale on Thursday, November 10 at 12:00 p.m., and the Bearbrick collaboration on Saturday, November 19. Of course, fans of HORINISHI won't want to miss out on either, will they?



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