Translated By DeepL

Water The Plant is a street and piece brand from Malaysia .

When it comes to fashion, Japan is still going strong . Many Asian countries look at us with envy. On the other hand, there are also many brands in other Asian countries that are gaining momentum, some of which are not yet well-known in Japan but are well-known worldwide.

One such brand is the Malaysian-born "Water The Plant," which was established in 2020 and has been gaining support in its home country as well as in Italy and the U.K. Since then, it has been gaining popularity at an accelerating pace, and in October 2022, it made its long-awaited arrival in Japan.

The designer is Malaysian-born Ronald Chu ( , Ron). Through an interview with him during his visit to Japan in the New Year's holidays, we will find out the true identity of his brand.

Ronald Chu / Born in 1987 in Malaysia . He started working in the world of apparel when he was a college student in the U.S. He founded "NERDUNIT" in 2011 and launched "Water The Plant" in 2021. He is a charismatic figure in Malaysia and operates companies related to food, drink, and culture in addition to fashion. Her favorite Japanese food is ramen. He loves Ichiran so much that he boldly states, "I could eat Ichiran for three meals a day.

First of all, please tell us about the concept of "Water The Plant.

Ron: With Corona starting in 2020, everyone was tired and the mood was gloomy worldwide, so I wanted to create a brand that could contribute to society in any way I could. So the concept of "Water The Plant" is self-glow and self-love.

. "Loving yourself" and "growing up" are two things.

Ron: Yes, that's right. And also, water is essential for plants, so that's what I meant. I hope that our brand can be a source of nourishment for our customers.

The SMILEY logo is used throughout the interior, including the brand logo.

Ron: I came up with the idea of creating the "Water The Plant" brand, and when most of it was completed, I was contacted by "SMILEY®️". The concept and design of the brand fit well with "SMILEY®️," so they asked if we would work together.

So it was a reverse offer.

Ron: Yes, that's right.

What was the reason for choosing Japan as the next location for your new store?

Ron: I think that when it comes to fashion in Asia, Japan is the best. I think most Malaysians, not just me, have that perception.

And Malaysia is hot all year round. If it were summer all year round, there would be no need for winter clothes, right? (Laughs) On the other hand, Japan has four distinct seasons, and the environment for enjoying fashion is well prepared, and everyone is highly sensitive to fashion.

Was there a reason why you chose Laforet Harajuku as the location for your new store?

Ron: I thought that this is the center of Harajuku and also the center of fashion. Also, I thought that "Laforet Harajuku" would attract people from various genres and deliver the message to a wide range of people.

. The interior is also distinctive, isn't it?

Ron: I don't want to just offer clothes to my customers, I want to deliver the entire brand concept as a message. . This place is designed to look like a backyard, with colorful plants and a beautiful sky. Water The Plant" is clothes that suit such a relaxing and pleasant place, so we are expressing that worldview.

. Thank you very much. Could you also introduce some of the items you recommend?

MOSS DUNK ¥20,350

Ron: First of all, these sneakers. They are the best-selling item among our many items and are quite popular in Singapore and Malaysia. They are only available in limited quantities in Japan, but the response has been great. They go perfectly with street style and are very easy to wear.

Do you have any recommendations for clothing?


Ron: This jacket is a signature of the brand. The fabric may look a bit thick, but it is reasonably thin. It is so thin that it can be worn even in Malaysia, which has no four seasons. In the case of Japanese winter, it would be just about perfect if you wear a hoodie or something underneath. . It has an ice cream and a smiley face on the back.

I see that you are also collaborating with "#FR2.

"WAN FR2" HOODIE ¥24,200

Ron: Yes, yes. This one has been on sale since November, and this is the third collaboration with .

What is your relationship with "#FR2" and you, Ron?

Ron: When Ryo-san (designer of #FR2) was in Malaysia, I was introduced to him by an acquaintance. When I was talking with him about my brand and design, he said, "We have similar ideas, so let's work together" and the collaboration was realized. The collaboration with "#FR2" will appear again next January, so please look forward to it.

Thank you , for taking the time to meet with us today. . I look forward to seeing your growth in Japan.

Ron: In the future, we would like to increase our visibility in Japan and collaborate with local brands as well. So, please help us in Japan, Terima kasih! (Malaysian for "thank you").


Water The Plant

Location: Laforet Harajuku 1F
Address: 1-11-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Official Instagram

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