Translated By DeepL

Takeshi becomes DANKE SHANE's brand ambassador. Setting a new standard.

Under the theme of "NEW STANDARD," Danke Schön. has developed a collection that combines high-quality materials with digitalized graphics. Danke Schön has decided to appoint Takeson, a K-1 world champion in three weight classes, as the brand's ambassador.

Natural Born Crusher, which has established an era in K-1, will support Dankeshaeng as it takes a step forward into a new stage of its history.

Although this tag team may seem unexpected, Mr. Takekoto is actually a private user of Dunkeschene items as well. With this background, items incorporating Mr. Taketaka's opinions will be developed this season.

Details have yet to be revealed, but please hold your heads high and wait for further updates.


LHP Harajuku

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