Translated By DeepL

The Amami Oshima brand diidii is holding a pop-up at FLOAT this weekend. We don't have much information on the actual situation, but it looks interesting.

With the support of the Japanese government, the mood of the Corona relaxation, and the warm weather, the demand for travel is increasing, but this weekend, please come to Meguro. The winds of Amami will be blowing in.

An apparel brand from Amami Oshima IslandDidi (diidii)Have you ever heard of the "Amami-Oshima Clothing Festival"? The brand was launched in 2021 with the idea of creating something new and interesting by adding the traditional techniques of Amami Oshima to modern clothing. . This brand was launched in 2021 with the idea of creating something new and interesting by adding the traditional techniques of Amami-Oshima to modern clothing.

Not only does he make clothes, but he is also a painter.Miroko Machiko.and musician Ryosaku Matsumoto , rapperROY KAN. The brand also actively engages in sessions with various cultures, such as the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean cultures, and repeatedly experiments with reactions between clothing and other things. The brand is a fascinating brand that repeatedly experiments with reactions between clothing and other things, and does not fit into any existing framework.

Diddy will hold a pop-up in Tokyo with its new collection. The concept is "Sound Scape Amami" and the location is Meguro'sFLOAT".

diidii Elbow Patch Sweat ¥15,000

The new release is an original sweatshirt in four colors. The elbow part is made of "Oshima tsumugi", a traditional technique of Amami-Oshima Island, giving it a unique elegance not found in ordinary sweatshirts.

This collection will be sold as a set with a soundtrack (QR code) recorded in Amami-Oshima with ROY Tamaki. We invite you to see and hear for yourself what kind of solution ROY Tamaki has come up with for Diddy's sweatshirts.

At the venue, sweets and coffee will be available for purchase. Please come to FLOAT this weekend on your way for a stroll. Enjoy the world of "diddy" and the air of Amami Oshima with all your senses.


Sound Scape Amami

Date: Saturday, March 11 - Sunday, March 12
Hours: 10:00 - 20:00
Address: 3-1-9, Meguro Honcho, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
5 minutes walk from Musashi Koyama Station

diidii official instagram
diidii official website

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