Translated By DeepL

A collection of photographs that resonate with fresh talent. Please enjoy the youth culture depicted with their friends in physical form.

In manufacturing, it is wonderful to output and complete one's own style as it is in 100%, but there is also the fun of a chemical reaction that occurs when working with someone else.

Hair stylist.Japanese sardinella (Sardinella zunasi)and photographer.Ryunosuke KanayaThe book, "PUFF," is a collaboration of fresh talents with a DIY spirit, and was created by a group of friends who worked together on everything from styling and modeling to design and editing.

Hardcover edition, 128 pages, limited to 200 copies, 6,600 yen

Based on the common understanding of "putting the images in the mind into physical form," the photo collection, which was realized after a long production period, expresses the form of youth culture in progress today.

To celebrate the publication of the book, Ryunosuke Kanaya will hold a three-day exhibition and sale of this and past works, as well as the book.

As the title of the book "PUFF" suggests, we hope you will relax and enjoy the physicality of the exhibition and the photo book.


Photo Exhibition "PUFF

Address: Avenue Side Daikanyama III 3F, 2-1 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Period: April 15, 2023 (Sat) - April 17, 2023 (Mon)
Hours: 13:00-19:00 (Sat. & Sun.), 12:00-19:00 (Mon.)
Admission: Free

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