Translated By DeepL

A limited number of dragonfly T-shirts, typical of Cowlam, a brand with a fashion magazine, have been released.

Paper, magazines, print media. It doesn't matter how you say it, but something with substance is still good.

It is difficult to say this about a web magazine, but I feel that paper is better suited than monitors to introduce photos and texts with a strong emotional impact.

Therefore, we are making things with fashion magazines in mind.CAHLUMNThe creative director is Akio Hasegawa, who is also well-known for "AH. The creative director is Akio Hasegawa, who is also familiar with "AH.

We are pleased to announce the release of T-shirts printed with illustrations that will be familiar to anyone who has ever produced a magazine or other product. Conversely, if you are not engaged in such work, you may not recognize it.


There are different types of stylists, but I've always been a magazine guy, so I like to work with books, so the dragonflies I see when I'm proofreading for print are very familiar to me. Since CAHLUMN is a brand that makes magazines as well as clothes, we decided to use the dragonfly as our iconic logo.

These photos were taken at the studio of PAJA STUDIO, which is in charge of printing this time.

Since these are hand-printed silkscreen prints, the sales quantity is limited and will end as soon as the prints are gone. Also, no advance orders will be accepted this time, so please be sure to place your orders as soon as possible.

Analog motifs in an analog print style. It is an item that makes sense.



Address: 1-13-1 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 12:00 p.m.

Daytona Park (by reservation only)
Date & Time: Wednesday, June 28, 12:00 p.m.
Sales page

andrem hoffwann
Date: Thursday, June 29, 17:00 -
Address: 3F, 2-3-4 Torigoe, Taito-ku, Tokyo

Akio Hasegawa
Born in 1975. Stylist and fashion director. After studying under Yoshiyuki Kitao while in college, he became an independent stylist/writer. 2007, he participated in the launch of the British international magazine "MONOCLE" and became its fashion director in 2014. 2012, he relaunched "POPEYE" and remained its fashion In 2012, he relaunched "POPEYE" and served as its fashion director until 2018. Currently, he directs "AH.H", which is produced with "HOUYHNHNM's", and is also involved in visual direction and product creation for fashion brands.



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