Translated By DeepL

MONTHLY CCC SESSION] VOL.3 Ryu Horike (WISM): "The breadth and depth of the range that can be seen through anonymity.

City Country City" is an anonymous brand that does not disclose its designer, but has been steadily increasing its presence. In this Series, we interview creators who have been close friends with the brand since its inception to find out what the brand is really like. We will be looking into the contents of this mysterious brand from all angles.

Mr. Ryu Horike of WISM, one of the stores that carries the brand, will appear on this issue. He honestly and passionately tells the stories of the brands and items that he thinks are good, and how he sees "City Country City" in his eyes. We will touch on his thoughts.

City Country City has absolute strength.

How did you come to know the "City Country City" brand?

Hori family:Kishita-san of "is-ness" was wearing a T-shirt. We were having a drink together, and I asked him, "What's that? I immediately looked it up and found the article on Huinamu. I immediately looked it up and found an article about HOUYHNHNM's. I was really interested in it. I was so curious that I asked Kishta-san to introduce me to the person behind the brand.

So you wanted to do it right away.

Hori family:I was really happy. When I went to the office to look at the items, I found that the address was the same as my old workplace. Of course, the company has changed, but I felt a connection with that part of the company.

What attracted you to the company?

Hori family:First of all, it's graphic strength. In addition to that, I thought it was interesting that it was done anonymously. Those two points match very well.

I think you often bring unknown overseas brands to Japan, but you also pay attention to the "human" side of the brand, don't you?

Hori family:Of course, it is a very important part.

But "City Country City" was anonymous, and that was a good thing.

Hori family:The "human" part is just an element of the story we want to tell about the brand. I felt it was cool enough to tell the story without it. Of course, this is a factor in the customer's decision, but even without talking about "who is doing it," the item itself speaks for itself, and the response has actually been positive. The items themselves speak for themselves and actually get a good response. I also felt that the "City Country City" brand itself has a duality.

What do you mean by "duality"?

Hori family:The graphics are very pop, but they are also very old-fashioned. I think that is the coolest thing about "City Country City. We have items like that every season. When the brand first started, there were only T-shirts, but we were able to show a wide range of styles.

It is not something that can be done out of the blue. It is the strength and depth of the axis of the people who are making it. That is what I really feel. No matter how high the quality of the clothes, if they are not cool, people will not want to pick them up. However, City Country City has absolute strength.

Something" that cannot be seen, visualized, or verbalized, but that makes people think, "I want this. I think it is the breadth and depth of the brand's background. I feel that this is accentuated by the fact that we do things anonymously.

I hope that you will continue to maintain your current stance for many years to come.

In addition to printed T-shirts, your collection now also includes jackets, pants, sweatshirts, and knitwear. Do you feel the "something" that you are talking about in these items as well?

Hori family:I feel that. I think the reason why so many buyers are responding to this new phase again is because of the strength of the product. That is not easy to do.

The brand is based on an unshakable axis. I think the items are based on what the people who make them want to wear now. There is no lie in that. When I look at the lineup of dealers who carry your brand, I see that they are all good stores, and that fact shows how attractive "City Country City" is, doesn't it?

And it's getting through to the customers as well.

Hori family:Yes, we do. Our staff also wears it. We have to convey that to them. That is the role of the store.

What would you like to do if you were to make a special order for "wism" in the future?

Hori family:I did a special order once when the Shibuya store was renovated. I am an innocent person, so I want to do something that other stores don't do. I would also like to create something new by mixing with other brands we carry.

In terms of collaborations with brands, you collaborated with "sacai" in January this year.

Hori family:The fact that you are already doing such things makes you feel fresh and flexible. This also leads to the breadth and depth of your work.

Finally, what are your expectations for the brand?

Hori family:I hope that you will continue to maintain your current stance. The most important thing is that there is no lie. Rather than saying, "I don't wear this, but this is what the world wants right now," a presentation that says, "This is what we want to wear now," is better communicated. Such a stance is important for the continuation of the brand, and I think it will remain.

Ryu Horike / WISM Conceptor and Buyer
After working in sales at a vintage clothing store and select stores, he worked as a buyer for two stores before moving into PR. 2012, he participated in the launch of "Wism". Currently, she is the conceptor and buyer of the store.



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WISM Shibuya
Address: 5-17-20 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-6418-5034



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